
Boe Robbie

Cattle For Sale, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

The Perfect Solution for Cattle Producers to Sell Cattle for the Best Price without the Stress & Risk of selling at auction! ConneXion Livestock knows how and where to find the right buyers and to negotiate your asking price! Think of us like Real Estate Agents for your cattle. We specialize in representing cattle producers and marketing their cattle to buyers across the US. We're different from other cattle marketing companies and we meet the needs of Cattlemen in a changing industry. You get t


  • Cattle For Sale
    Nov 2018 to Present

    The Perfect Solution for Cattle Producers to Sell Cattle for the Best Price without the Stress & Risk of selling at auction! ConneXion Livestock knows how and where to find the right buyers and to negotiate your asking price!

  • APSense Member
    August 12, 2022

    Joined the APSense community.

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