Warning Skype Had Been Hacked
Just Wanted To Let My Friends And business partners around the world know
Skype Has been Hacked and even if you dont know this it may be happening a message may be beginning send from your skype account to others saying
your photos looks realy nice
what ur friend name wich is in photo ?
where I put ur photo
now u populr
myimagespace or fakme this is the website do not put this website in your brower or click on the url in your skype instant messager are you will get a virus
Please Pass This out to your friends and other fourms or groups
Robert Phillips
Comments (21)
Jennifer Underwood
I came across this, I had posted a couple months ago about skype. It is unreal what these jokers are doing! Thank goodness I am taken care of!
Your friendly cyber crime slayer
thank you
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
A word of warning. Although you aren't seeing these messages, be aware that they will contact you when you are online and pose as a friend. They will ask you to identify people in pictures or if you remember taking the picture etc to get you to click on the link they provide. I recommend questioning your friends before clicking on them. If it is truly your friend they shouldn't mind getting sidetracked by a conversation in which you ask questions. If it is not your friend on of two things w
Robert Phillips
Hi Laura
Glad the info was usefull am not seeing too many of these messages anymore so that great
Robert Phillips
thanks for the heads up
Robert Phillips
HI Lisa
Thanks for sharing am sure it will help alot of others alot
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
HI Yuki
Am sure the same people doing this on skype are the ones doing it on msn yahoo and other instant messagers
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
HI Lisa
Your right alot of wasted time on having to clean up this mess with some getting infected
What i think is if the people doing this are so good at doing bad things why not try doing something worth whiled
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
Hi Ken
No Problem just wanted let me friend know before hand so they didnt get infected with the virus
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
HI Patty
Yes any hackers try saying you have a virus already to get one on your computer this day and age you have to be very carefull
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
Hi Cheryl
When I recieve links from a friend I ask them what it is about first before clicking on it so that a very good idea to do alittle research before going some where you dont know
yes it seems alot of other instant messagers have the same problem
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
Hi Karen
Thanks for posting on how to stop it from speading and clean up your skype account
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
Hi Bj
Your right its not a joke I hope skype figure out who was doing it and made a stop to it
Robert Phillips
Lisa Lomas
I found a fix from Skype a friend passed on this may help someone.
I notice its a bit different to Karens so thought it may be helpful.
Noemi Puskas
Mechanical Engineer
Uhm yeah, well it happened to MSN too.
I guess it might be just another of those hacking extensions (like the msnXX where you could write in the others' name in your conversations ._.)
Lisa Lomas
This was a baddie Robert, quite a few got infected.
Boy oh boy lots of wasted time because of some idiot that
has too much time making up rubbish.
Ken Crowe
Thanks Robert, for the information.
Patty Freshcoln
Hi Robert:
I was also send a message suppositely from the Support Center that I had malware on my computer and needed to download a link that was provided. I forwarded the message to Skye who informed me it was not something they sent and I should not download this link... thank goodness I thought to contact them first.
I just wanted to pass this along just in case anyone else happens to get that message.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
This is the same virus that started off being sent by IM's. Usually the friend name is legit. The hacker will also IM you if you are online. They will message you to tell you to click on a link. The virus then hijacks your address book and sends it to everyone you have listed as a friend. Please be aware that this one is in multiple places. Yahoo, AOL, MSN messengers have all been affected with this one. If you don't click on the link you are usually alright. Any time a "friend" signs on
Karen Weir
Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Robert and Bj,
Trouble is, the friend who you "apparently" get the message from has been infected - meaning they clicked on the link and the virus downloaded onto their computer - they are now unwittingly passing it along. There is a fix.
This off the Skype forum:
here is how to get rid of this thing:
1) shut down skype using the task manager if need be (to stop spreading this virus further)
2) start your task manager and shut down the "DSC027" program
3) change your screen