My mom is gone

Posted by Bridgette Porter
Aug 2, 2007
Since April 13 2007 I have been tying my knots and praying for my mom that she returns to us and fill our home and hearts with the love she so freely had given to us, because thats what a mom does. On july 28 at 4:55 pm she made her transition to be with my dad and brothers and her dad he passed away 4-13 my mom was a fighter and the strongest willed woman I know and I know she wouldn't want us to be cryin and sittin around being sad, when her life was filled with joy and laughter,as we hold on to our memories and stay strong just as mama wanted, we get all of the details and begin the task of homegoing arrangements and stay joyful as we know she is now at home safe within jesus's arms and gently telling us in our dreams she is okay and do not worry because she suffers no more the pain is gone and she is made whole again! I still feel like the little girl whos candy got taken away and theres nothin I can do about it but I do know that God Doesn't Make Mistakes People Do.Im glad that I have an outlet that I can share and speak about how I feel when something is going on with me and Apsense lets you share when need to be, Thanks Bridgette
Comments (16)
Rocky Pacley

Hi Bridgette,

I can relate to your loss we are not put on earth forever. I want to share the with you what realty holds for us and we best prepare or we will not make it to see the ones who have gone on home ahead of us.

Right now we are in a rehearsal stage and all of our actions should be towards our journey home. We all need to keep our heats and minds on being what we are expected to be and constantly improving towards our journey home. If we are not focusing on our journey to meet with th

Aug 6, 2007 Like it

The best method for online income

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Lonnie Ellerbee

For now, Bridgette, she stands over us with watchfull eyes, as we continue to live our lives in God's light. Let it be known that for all of us who have lost love ones, that their purpose has been to help gide you in your path to fullfilling all your dreams, wants and desires. She must have been a strong and wonderful person and for that my prayers today are for you and yours.

Stay strong and live life as she would have wanted you to.

Thank you for sharing because I too have lost my parent

Aug 2, 2007 Like it

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I too have lost a parent and know how difficult it is to deal with. Keeping a strong faith center helps so much! My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Coletha Browning

Runner Blogger

I lost my mom suddenly in her sleep without warning, and 14 months later my last living parent, my paternal grandmother who was also a mother to me lost her battle with breast cancer. I know what your feeling and it is good that you try to remain strong. I don't think my mother or my grandmother would want me hopeless, sitting around crying, but I have to admit sometimes it's hard not to do. God Bless and hang in there, sounds like your on the right track to healing

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Helen Moore

I'm so sorry to hear that. Your mother will always be in your heart. Keep the faith and be strong. I lost mine a few years back and It seems like yesterday. Those memories of her never fade-I'm quite sure that's the same with you and your family concerning your mother . You have my deepest sympathy.

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

My mother passed away many years ago, yet I can still see her smile and can still hear her and the way she called my name. You'll always have your memories. God bless you and your family.

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Dear Bridgette,

I am so sorry to hear that your mother is no longer with us. Please accept my condolences. She fought so hard to beat her illness. You know the source of strength she was for you and for me after I read what you had written about your mother raising all your brothers and sisters!

You cry all you need to... that's what it is to grieve. Be strong in your grief.
Gods Strength

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Robert Coaster

Independent Business Owner

Condolances on your loss. Your Mom was lucky to have a Daughter like you!

Will keep your family in my prayers.

God bless,

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Phyllis Boulton

My sympathy to you... Your memories of your Mom will be forever in your heart and mind and pictures and gifts she made you will bring those memories back so vividly. Time and the sharing and caring of others will help ease your ache. Hold those memories safe and tell others about them...just like you did here and you'll feel her close to you again. Keep faith that she is in a good place and with others that she loves.

Phyllis Boulton

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Larry B.

God Bless You Honey.... Moms still there...Now she watches over you .. I feel it dont hurt to take the lovin and help they are now giving... Mine has been up there since 85 but I remember her loving smile and a bible in her hand preaching goodness and kindness... Thanks Bridgette for sharing your mom with us.. Larry

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Stefano Vettorazzi

The best per you

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Earl Dunbar

Great cell phone bargin save$$$$$

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. EDD

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Prayers and best wishes to you and your family

Aug 2, 2007 Like it
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