Genuine Business in Apsense But......

Posted by Digg3000
Jul 14, 2007
I think Apsense is a big help where this site really allows you to promote your business. But how do we know that all ads and people talking are genuine. Any email you pick up, people talk about making us millionaire or draw traffice to you web site etc... now some of this might be reasonable but there is no way to really find out what is true and what is not..If we need to make this a place of promoting healthy business and not scams then everyone needs to really work hard..may be apsense should have some point system which validates the business or service existence and rate them accordingly...what do you think???
Comments (37)
Coach Steve Toth

Dude DDD;

After all these conversations and the spamming you put this thing in here, you sure got b....lls. But, it ends there.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Aug 18, 2007 Like it
Earl Dunbar

Great cell phone bargin save$$$$$

Join my group it is set up to be honest. Who is making money EDD

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
James Anderson

Great Point Digg,
I agree there needs to be something or somekind of rating but do you really think ABS will spend that kind of time or devotion! It's a shame there are so many scams but a cold fact. Currently we appear to have no defense except to research and then deside if it is worth the chance. I'm just sick of all the CRAP (Certifiable Ridicules Asinine Publications).

I just saw an article about a Beach Bum that was broke and of course he was a construction worker, (what else) and now

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Dawn The Golden Shop...

Great point. And no matter what the ads say you still work hard. Even if you are surfing, reading emails, or running your own business. Many people are lucky and get going from the gate. But, far more have to struggle a couple years before you see any results. Thanks for the post.

Jul 20, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi All,

This one is for Coach Steve.

I havent found a Due Dilgence Group as such - but there are some Groups that include this topic . Until we get Categories it is a bit trial and error to find them..

But at the end of the day - it is up to us - ApSense is offering us a place to reach each other - but are not repsonsible for how we make our business choices.

I'll send you the name in a private message as we cannot mention the names of Groups in this Group.


Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Hey, you have made a very valid issue. I have raised a similar point earlier. There are just too many claims and offers to know which ones are genuine. I have fallen for many of them, and got entangled with confusion and junky email inbox at the end of the day. How I wish one could have some regulated means of knowing which is which. Thanks for your post.

Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

Alas y Cia;

I checked for "Due Diligence" in Groups and nothing came up. May be you should consider starting one. I will join you! Maybe we could put together a system to evaluate opportunities and get a few volunteers to start rating some of these opportunities.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

Alas y Cia;

Do we have a "due diligence" group? I'll check. I agree with you, that leaning about that can be very useful for people. By the way, yes I know that Rome wasn't build in one day, at the end it destroyed itself.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth


Well put, I do value relationships very much. I also, speak my truth and at moment the space and the energy seems like a bunch of gold diggers. A lot of rushing, recruiting, pushing information around. These are the E-mails and invites I have ignored before I got here, so know I get a concentrated dose. For now, I'll focus on the relationships.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

No worries mate, I'm already doing my passion and it's not about the money. By the way I hope you'll find the perfect coach, you know the one that doesn't make any mistakes. I still do, lol.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Jul 18, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

well Coach Steve ... not to sure i`d want you coaching me mate .. calling this place aBsence not aPsense ... hahhaha .. just kiddin` mate ; )

The thing to remember is while some people are able to make a program work bbeautifully, others, no matter what they do, will not. For those that can`t make it work it sometimes is lack of basic knowledge to begin with and their own impatience, sometimes it is the programme itself not being clear enough and sometimes ... sadly ... its ju

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Y.J. Raja Retnam


Hi Dig3000
Thanks for your mail and opinion about Apsense & programs.I had also mailed you my programs .Go to them. if interested promote them.If having any critical comments you can mention that also. Anyhow try to promote the following USA program.
# Attention To Importers/Exporters Worldwide!
• Global Database Import/Export. * 5 Million Enterprise Members.
• *Millions Members From 202 Countries. * Earn Huge Dollars Commission By Working As Free Affiliate(Anybody can join Free!). L

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Lonnie Ellerbee

For me, most of the programs being listed in here I already know about and choose not to respond to them.

So, why not start a disucssion group that focuses on a specific program. Then the members of the group will investage as a team and submit their response to the topic for that program. We in the group could rate it from one to ten. Ten being best.

For each new program a new topic is created. Members of group should only respond after carefull evalutation of the program. If you are alr

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Agree again Jenny. I also enjoyed Steve's analogy, and I agree... to a degree... about being comitted to your opportunity. As a professional internet marketer, I always look at new potential income streams and products to add to my "store". I represent more than one company for several reasons, not one of them being that I am not comitted.

This community offers more than just a place to build a list of potential prospects. Those who view the community as nothing more than prospects are

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

I have just read some of the points that Steve has just made. Interesting.

I agree to a point that some people have enbough common sense and intelligence to do their due diligence, but that "The ones that are not, you can't help here at Apsence or anywhere else for that matter."

But I do think that there are a faira number of people who fall in the middle of those extremes - people ñwho may have common sense but lack the knowledge and experience to know HOW to do their due diligence - and

Jul 15, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

I think most people are intelligent and smart enough to listen to their intuition or gut feeling in addition to doing their due diligence about an opportunity before they choose one. The ones that are not, you can't help here at Apsence or anywhere else for that matter.

I have a bigger concern, which has to do with we are all part of the same quire and I did not join to convince anyone to go from the program they are already in to join another. I'm very committed to what I'm doing now and n

Jul 15, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I love it Chuck!

I was taught and continue to teach... whatever you want, give away, and it is so true.

I don't think there is a big mystery as to why people don't realize their own potential... most people are trying to create change outside of themselves. They don't have the MINDSET which starts with belief. Many are searching for that winning lottery ticket - instant gratification. They don't know how to do the work, or they don't want to do the work, to develop themselves.


Jul 15, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

I'll chime in.....

Many have stated fine direction on diligence when investigating Opportunities...

And you are right, it isn't Apsense responsibilty to monitor.

But why don't more of you realize YOU have the POWER, ABILITY and ASSETS to Market your own products, be in control of your Income.

I'll be interviewing a 23 yeard old Monday night 9 Eastern, who has been on the Net less than year, has been able to quit a very comfortable mid-management job and is growing HIS bu

Jul 15, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

You have raised a very good point - what do we do about scams or quasi scams here at ApSense?. The answer has been given clearly - we have to do our own due diligence. It is not ApSense's job. - they give us a place to network free or at low cost. They unfortunately cannot remove something because it ldoesnt havre a good reputation.

There are a couple of highly dubious programmes promoted by members here - but without proof - ApSense's hands are tied - especially when the members themselves

Jul 15, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Digg, you raised a valid point. They get me confused about offers, some ostensibly genuine and others evidently deceptive. If Apsense will hold its own in integrity rating, it must design a means of checking frivolous ads. Any ads not backed by proof of performance of the program being advertised, in terms of credibility, should be discouraged. Apsense cannot afford to become a dumping ground for spams and junks.

Jul 15, 2007 Like it
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