I have a question about selling ad on the auction

Posted by Rebecca DeMain
Sep 26, 2007
I don't understand fully. Could someone break it down for me? I don't want to seem like a dummy. What I don't understand is with the auction are you selling the ad space for someone to put an ad on your page. or are you selling your ad to be put on someone else's page. Please help me.
Comments (12)
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Rebecca,

Let me answer it this way.
The more traffic you get the more valuable you adspace.

This is a great incentive for members to increase the quality of the content in their groups etc. as this will increase the traffic to them and so increase the value of their ad space.

There is nothing wrong with putting up ones ad space and testing the water so to speak.
I would say if there are no takers then dont take it as a rejection take it as a challenge and continue to improve you

Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Rebecca DeMain

Just a quick addition. But in order for poeple to even want to advertise and bid on your ad space it does have to be something that is viewed alot. Am I correct in saying that. I mean that would only make sense. So there really is no reason to put you ad up unless you have a space that people really do alot of looking at.

Please let me know if I am correct in this thinking.

Sep 29, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


I still haven't figured it out...but all I know is my ad space is priceless! :0)

Sep 29, 2007 Like it

Wow You have just made my day I was totally confused about all this too

Sure am happy to see that I am not the only one and alone on this. Thought perhaps "old timers" was setting in LOL .

Thanks for asking that question It certainly made it a lot clearer than it was before Not totally clear but a little

Guess the only way to find out is to try it Off I go


Sep 28, 2007 Like it
Rebecca DeMain

Thank you very much. I got it.

Sep 27, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi rdemain

No you dont have to buy the APSense or google ads.

Just use option 1

ie do nothing with it and leave everything as it is.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Rebecca DeMain

I want to thank you very much for your answcer. I understand now.

One thing tough. The ads by absense or google. You have to buy them right. And then you 0.01 per unique vistior.

If I am corret in saying that. That really isn't profitable is it.

Could you explain that a little bit more. Maybe I am misunderstanding.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Ok answers to all the questions in one go

Option 1
Leave everything as it is and display ads provided by "APSense".
These will be a selection of ads from "Ads by APSense" and "Ads By Google".
You are paid at the rate of $0.001 per Unique View.

Option 2
You can place your own personal ads.

Option 3
You can offer the space to other advertisers.
This means you can either set up an auction sale ("Bid IT") or a Buy It Now"

If someone buys space from you then you are notifie

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Clara Duarte de Figu...


I have the same question as Vernon. Is the system automatic and works basically on its own after we sell or buy adspace or do we need to take control of things on our own?

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Vernon Douglas

I get the part about using one's adspace or selling it but when it is sold for for a fixed period, say one week, what happens at the end of the week. Does the system automaticlly delete the ad.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Rebecca DeMain

So what your saying is that. I have a blog and I am selling a space for them to advertise on it.

And if i was to buy someone elses space then. I am buying it to put my ad on there spot.

If this is correct. Then why do I need to enter that information about my ad and what am I suppose to put in the ad item brief.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it

Hi all,
thanks for asking that. I also don't understand it full.
What I understand is, if you sell your adspace, so anotherone (the buyer) can place his adds on your space, otherwise (if you don't want to sell it}, you can use your adspace for your own adds.
What would be interesting for me also, did somone sell his adspace?
Have a nice day.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
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