Biz Exchange

Posted by Susan coils
Jul 27, 2007
Can anyone tell me how this is supposed to work. I tried it out earlier but could only view one person's site (it was there when I clicked on the link). But when I looked at the site, nothing had been done to it. I couldn't see links, affiliate's, nothing. So I gave it a fairly low score and suggested the person might want to do some work. But there was no way of moving to the next site. I started from scratch and got another site to review - also devoid of content. This I thought couldn't be right so didn't review it. I am now worried that I have given an incorrect review if all sites are showing up as blank. And how do you see what other people have said about your own site? I really wish if Apsense was going to introduce something, they would give us full details ahead of time rather than being left to figure it out. San
Comments (20)
Michael Brock

Hi San,

WOW! It's great that you got it fixed so you can now review & vote on the ABC's! Phew... For a minute I thought you might not be with us much longer from all the frustration it was causing ya & by the way it was sounding in a few of your other comments. I'm very happy that you contacted the source (APSense Admin) & they resolved it for you straightaway!

Also, just so you know, per BJ's request to top the comment with the solution, I think you topped the wrong comment sweety. Yeah,

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi San,

Glad its soerted out.

That is the last thing I would have thought of.
Thats if I ever would have thought about screen settings possibly affecting it. Which to be honest I dont think I would have.

Can you top it on the solution comment so it stays at the top please.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Yippee! I have finally cracked it. I decided as this was getting too frustrating for words to contact Apsense support. They got straight back to me and suggested changing my display settings. I did this, (yes, this is something I can do) and hey presto - there's the vote button. And it automatically refreshes the page to the next site. And my score has now increased so the sites I reviewed previously obviously weren't counting!
At last, I am so pleased to have sorted this out.

Here is the

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Well, I have tried logging into the biz exchange from every link and I don't get a 'vote' button anywhere.
Also, I have just gone to review a site that is exactly (and I mean exactly) the same as one I reviewed earlier. It is by somebody different but because they are identical I think it must be the same person. Can you have more than one business page.
I must admit I am growing tired of trying to do this. There is no 'vote button that I can see. You have to go back and forth all the time to

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

I think most people are missing the fact that
you will not get a vote button unless you go to

or go to your "My Account" page and click on the
Hot or Not logo on the right hand side of the page.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Well, I am still not getting this folks. I don't have a vote button, only a review button.
Apparently according to my score I have had 15 votes but I cannot see one testimonial on my site. so I can't even hazard a guess at what to do to improve my site because I don't know what people are finding wrong with it.
Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on here?


Aug 3, 2007 Like it

Well, I am glad to see that I am not the only one lost on this one! I just went & tried to build my Business Center but, had very little clue as to what I was doing. I will have to reset my perimeters as I had no clue what the page would take. Therefore my 3 Affiliates pages came out sloppy. Oh well, maybe it is better than nothing. Then again if people are being nasty - who knows.
Why would someone leave a down grading comment. There are many business' that I do not want to join but, if you ar

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Emeka Mbanugo

Ecommerce and Telecommunications Marketer

I know exactly what you mean too San.I expressed my feeling about the score i received from doughboy himself that is a testimonial.Read my blog "APSENSE101".

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Well I have just been to the rating part again and from what i can see there are people giving some pretty harsh ratings to other people's busines sites.

I know rating other people will get our own points up - but I still stick with what I said before. We are passing judgement on what other people are doing to try to earn a living. If you dont have anything nice to say - why say it!


Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Wasup E'rybody,

I just have thought about how we might be able to get credit without actually voting on the empty ABCs. Yeah, a couple of you have mentioned refreshing the page to bring up another ABC for review.

Well if this doesn't cast a vote when doing so, then we could just post a short review suggesting that the other member add content & then refresh the page instead of voting. In fact, if this is the case, then it's a win / win situation for both, right?

They are both worth 1

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Margaret Elmendorf

I agree with Jenny (Alas Y Cia) that we are judging people on their ability of making a website, not their business and I for one don't have a clue how to make a website. I am glad to hear about not giving a person a rating at all. That is much better than giving someone a really bad rating .

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart


I like Surinder's suggestion that they are not published until they are completed. The we only hve to look at the ones that exist! lol Empty pages are total waste of space.

Not sure about the rating though - they are always a bit sugjective - even with the 10 minimum to get the rating pubished. Knowing what a bad rating can do for one's business - I tend to rate high or not at all.

We are judging peoples ability to put together business centres here NOT the quality of their business -

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Me again!
Well, I have tried again and i don't have a Vote button. Is this the 'post review' button. if it is, it doens't automatically take me to the next site.
Thanks people Sorry to be a pain but I like to know what I'm doing.


Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems. I thought it was down to my 'newbie' lack of knowledge or technical know how. Anyway, I will give it another go and see how I get on.
Thanks for the responses. It really helps as I thought it was just me.


Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Surender Singh

Online Enterpreneur

Yeah I also agree with what Christopher has written - most of the ABCs have nothing written on them and still they show up on the exchange.

I have a suggestion...Apsense can put some sort of "PUBLISH" button on the individual's ABC.

The site would only be available on the exchange once the person has done something on it and once he/she has completed the site they can get it published on the ABC exchange after activating the PUBLISH button. This will ensure that untouched sites are not shown

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

I'm so glad someone asked about this.

I reviewed 3 abc's yesterday...or the day before... and i didn't know how to get the next one to review without going back to the first browser and clicking the same BusinessExchange logo for the next to pop up...

But Lynn wrote this here in comments: "If you run across an empty one, just refresh the page, and you will see another abc."

I'll try that and see if it works with my browser.

This is a great feature. Thanks

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Wasup San,

Nah, you're seeing it right as far as the lack of content on the ABCs is concerned. I've personally reviewed bout 200 of them so far & it's been the case on the majority of them.

It's kinda 2 be expected with so many new members & given the age of APSense & of the ABCs themselves. In fact, I think this will be an incentive 4 peeps 2 add stuff 2 their ABC's, which is probly one of the reasons APSense has set it up this way!

I started mine shortly after they were made availa

Jul 28, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

yeah I dig this system although 95% have absolutly nothing done to `em .... one pointers ... : ) When you rate the ABC, you only have to click the VOTE NOW button and it auto-refreshes to the next one, I haven`t found one worthy of a review yet.

I don`t believe, as you pointed out Brocky (g`day mate), that because this place is new and the people are new here, that it`s "to be expected" that content is lacking. The only thing lacking is the person`s ability to see what is ri

Jul 27, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

As Amy states in this thread, they are working on a newsletter, that will help explain this new feature.

I have been viewing abc's all day. And the majority of members haven't used the opportunities given to them. They are either empty or they may have a link to a business. Very few have much on them. Hopefully that will change as people learn that other members are rating them. If you run across an empty one, just refresh the page, and you will see

Jul 27, 2007 Like it
Margaret Elmendorf

I ran into the same thing. I think I might have hit three that had nothing on them, so I just said there was nothing there. What else can you do?? But then I found some with good business centers on them . Just keep looking.

Jul 27, 2007 Like it
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