Thoughts about Skype Names becoming a part of a member's profile

Posted by Betina Y.
Aug 29, 2010
I would love to see the ApSense community grow by adding Skype to the standard profile of a member. This would encourage more activity among the established members and would certainly enable us to recruit even more new members. Just a suggestion..... Thoughts anyone??? Betina Yurkus VIPProfitPros
Comments (48)
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Not sure about giving my skype ID. I don't use skype very much, cause I'm afraid it might turn out to be too much small talk, and time is limited. Learning about someone's interests in his/her profile and/or posts and comments everywhere at ApSense is a good way to start building a relationship. Then, when I sense a good connection with someone, I mention skype. But I'm more a lab rat than a party guy. :) Last night, someone tried to contact me through skype, I had no idea who it was, she said s

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Louise Venison

TE owner, affiliate marketer

I don't see a problem at all with having a space for it. Just because there's a space doesn't mean you have to provide it. My Skype ID is easy for anyone to guess, but I don't get much SPAM, maybe one message every 2 weeks or so on average. People can't actually call you unless you've accepted them into your contact list (at least with the settings I have on my account), so you don't get any unwelcome calls.

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I have my Skype set up with the privacy setting enabled which keeps me from getting spam garbage. The problem is that even with the privacy enabled, anyone who has my Skype ID can bypass those settings.

It's not hard at all if you want everyone to have your Skype info to choose to post it on your profile. I prefer to NOT give my info to every Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet and see no reason why (Since anyone who wishes Tom, Dick and Harry to have it can plaster it on their profile) I o

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Dave Williams

Affiliate Marketer, Design

Its a great way to connect to people on a personal level if you get the idiots it`s quite easy to delete them i think this would work fine

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


@bjantiques Thanks for your offer. Skype is on my list to investigate but I think I will wait to get it till we move to Turkey.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
James Bonham


Skype is a great way to brand yourself online by the user name you choose. Thousands of business use it daily.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@webmiep not if you set it up correctly i will show you if you want.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Louise Venison

TE owner, affiliate marketer

The good thing about Skype is people can only call you if you've accepted them as a contact, so you're not in danger of receiving sales calls. I use it to keep in contact with my friends and family, and occasionally for text chat with other business owners, but no more than that. I don't see it as a marketing tool. If people do spam me through IM, they get blocked and reported. (Having said that, if my connection was better, I might use Skype more. Voice chat is difficult on my connection -

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


I do not have Skype. I am afraid i will get to many people calling with sales pitches.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Ron Lester

I have to agree, I'd love to see that happen too. I love connecting with folks via Skype.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

I would love to be able to add my Skype ID here and I'm not the least bit worried about getting spammed, it's a single click to block anyone who tries it. The advantage of course would be better communication with those who are responsible enough to use it wisely.

Oct 20, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Okay I guess I'll rain on the parade. I've got Skype and a couple of other IM services and I do not post them for public viewing. IM is great for communicating but that does not mean I yahoos I don't know cluttering up my Skype with constant requests to connect just so they can turn around and spam me with garbage I have no interest in.

Skype ID and all my other IM ID's are not for public consumption. If I want someone to have it, I will give it to them. And I only give it to people that

Oct 20, 2010 Like it
Jean-Pierre Papper

Skype should be used to create / maintain friendship and to communicate with business associates, In order to teach someone something you need to communicate with them, Skype allows you to do this for FREE and should not be used to promote a business. I strongly believe you should create a friendship with a person and get to know there intrests in order to assess wether you should promote to them. I always use skype on a daily basis and would not be with out it. GREATY TOPIC by the way :)

Oct 20, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@vip so you propose sending the APSense ad only to the people on your skype contact ? If so then tell me this, how many of them have actually told you you can send ads to them? I hope you know that just because someone agrees to have you on their contact list that is not an automatic invitation to you to send them ads! This is applicable to ALL IM contacts and contacts here in APSense and any other program. The only place that sending ads to people is ok is through your mailing lis

Oct 20, 2010 Like it
Marvin Whitehead Jr....

Internet Marketer

It's a very good ideal,but you don't connect with a lot of spammers,I have a lot are contacts on Skype I love that you can call
or chat with each other..

Oct 19, 2010 Like it
Betina Y.

Internet Marketer

Yes...I agree with you Andy. Great idea to limit the sharing of ApSense information with only those that we already have in our Skype contacts, but I am also quite confident that we each have a lot of Skpe contacts that are not current members here at ApSense and just...think of the recruitment possibilities...hey? :-)
Not to mention, I could chat it up with some of my favorite fellow ApSense members that have added me as their friend/ contact. :-)

Sep 6, 2010 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

SKYPE is a great tool but for promotion wise and recruiting to Apsense there is a extreme risk of users not following the law and SPAMMING Skype. If added it would be a better feature with a button to click that says share Skype with so you can select who get's that info and who doesn't.

Sep 6, 2010 Like it
Cindy Bolley


I have been after him for years for icons much like they have in Skype......
I just love those things.
This is a good place to mention it again I think.

Sep 6, 2010 Like it
Cindy Bolley


When you want something done
Send it to the person who is able to
Thanks Wincer for all you do,

Sep 6, 2010 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

It sounds a good idea.
Thank you, ladyTazzla

Sep 6, 2010 Like it
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