The Way APSense is Going

Posted by Nnamdi A.
Sep 15, 2010
I have realized that in the last few weeks since I became active in APSense, I have spent most of my online time here. And I am not regretting it since there is so much to do in APSense. Are there any plans in due course for us to have APSense email accounts where we can forward all other emails we have? If this is achievable, then APSense would have dominated the social websites since most of us will spend all of our online time at APSENSE. Just a thought that might be considered by Admin.
Comments (44)
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

Thank you, bronnamdi!

Your suggestion opens a new window for us.

Sep 16, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

Thanks Wincer and BJ for your comments.

I am not looking for free email accounts from APSense. Far from it.

However, with the way and manner APSense has been engaging us in recent times, one day, not very far from now, they will also make it possible for us to have APSense-based email accounts.

Why do I think so?
1. We have for twitter-like posts that can be integrated with twitter so that posts made can also be read in twitter. So? No need to go to twitter if you do not wa

Sep 16, 2010 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

We thought about it when we launch this site.

It is very possible to offer everyone a biz email address based on apsense.

It needs much more storage, bandwidth and high performance hardware.

We are in touch with some investors now. I am sure one day we will have enough resources to offer best services to our members with low cost.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Sep 16, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

I am not aware of any plans to do email accounts and I personally really can not see the point. the reason for that is that if you are serious marketers then you should have your own website and your own personalized email addresses with a couple of gmail addresses for the junk You may want to read some of the posts about this, made by me and other senior members,

Sep 15, 2010 Like it
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