The Way APSense is Going

Posted by Nnamdi A.
Sep 15, 2010
I have realized that in the last few weeks since I became active in APSense, I have spent most of my online time here. And I am not regretting it since there is so much to do in APSense. Are there any plans in due course for us to have APSense email accounts where we can forward all other emails we have? If this is achievable, then APSense would have dominated the social websites since most of us will spend all of our online time at APSENSE. Just a thought that might be considered by Admin.
Comments (44)
Dave Gilbert

Web Entreprenuer

Bron your talking about a good portion of the apsense community education and limiting free member activity is the first step in changing bad habits at apsense if they can't use a facility responsibly then make them pay to use it they will soon learn to value it and use it properly

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

Getting rid of spammers is a job one person cannot handle and even an automated system cannot handle it at this time.

As many of the spammers as possible registered here at APSense should be fished out and eliminated systematically so that APSense will continue to be a site that has respect from visitors, advertisers and the search engines.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Dave Gilbert

Web Entreprenuer

Spam is always a problem for all sites and all internet users, even spammers get spammed the only way to deal with spam is through education and tough penalties for those caught using this method to promote something.

You can semi automate the process of eliminating spam through the use of smart spam traps that learn to recognize spam mails and block them and i must say that our webmail system seems to do just that by using not 1 but 2 such smart traps plus a full anti-virus scanner.

Our b

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@bronnamdi Try telling that to Wincer he is the one that has to realize that spam can not be dealt with automatically.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

BJ, You have a valid point here. The spammers will have to be dealt with first or they will end up dragging APSense down.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

What will happen if APSense offers email accounts is that within a couple of months the APSense Domain name will be black listed. Due to the extream number of spammers we have registered. The result will be that APSense will no longer be able to send out the solo emails. Now If that becomes the case then the advertisers are going to stop spending money to buy solo ads that are not getting delivered. This in turn means that the income for APSense will drop, and that means there wil

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

I feel the point has already been taken as per Dave. I hope the debate about other email accounts is put a lid on. Let's join hands for a better future for APSense! Regards to all.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

I see an excellent discussion here. Bron has made a significant point. Of course, I am not in total agreement with bjantiques' views. I feel the Admin should consider all points made and come up with an upgrade soon.

Apr 23, 2011 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

@phil and @Dave on the web it's actually a minority of sites that make any recommendation on an e-mail provider. Phil the ones that say we recommend using a g-mail account do so because they are less apt to get blacklisted for spam at g-mail so it's not a good thing that brings the recommendation it's that more questionable mails clear Google's filters.

BJ has a great point, there is no better mailing address than to own your own domain but sad to say most marketers do not. On that end I woul

Dec 21, 2010 Like it
Marvin Whitehead Jr....

Internet Marketer

Bronnamdi,this is very good article about APSense and I agree with you APSense have more than enough to keep you busy right on our website,Wincer always doing something to help all members on APSense Business Social Network..

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Dave, I have to disagree. Many sites block hotmail, yahoo, AOL. My gmail account always works. Sometimes, trying to register at a site with a domain name unknown by the site will result with a "not appropriate domain name" error message, adding "use gmail account". it has happened often with a domain account I was using recently, but am about to abandon.

I do agree that using a better known domain name like might be rejected less often.

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Dave Gilbert

Web Entreprenuer

actually phil a majority of sites block gmail accounts because of the sheer number of spammers using them as for branding well members using an @apsense mail account can only benefit the apsense brand, it also instills a sense of family and belonging when a member can have a webmail account with their favorite site it also helps them and the site build membership numbers apart from boosting the sites traffic numbers.

So there are many advantages to providing your members with such a service a

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer


I have to say I totally agree with bj when he says that it's preferable to have an email account associated with your own site.

IMO, it helps for branding your business.

I don't see the point of having an email account from a site like APSense, unless you are a moderator at APSense and so, the people who receive your email will know that it's for APSense-related reasons.

If it's for promoting your opportunities, and you use hosting with cpanel, create an email account with cp

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

@Netra APSense is the place to be when you are online.

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Netra B.

Social Media/ Marketing Expert

My time spent here on apsense has been very profitable... Lots to do and lots to learn....

Dec 20, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

Yes. APSense is evolving by the day in a positive manner.

Oct 24, 2010 Like it
Gary Madden

Tax Specialist

ApSense continues to upgrade and come out with new tools to help us all.

I wouldn't be surprised at anything they did!!

Oct 23, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

@ Gopakumar Rajan thanks for your posts. I will indeed check it out.

Oct 23, 2010 Like it
Rama Subramanian


I am also spent most of my online time here.

Oct 23, 2010 Like it
Louise Venison

TE owner, affiliate marketer

I think this is a good idea, especially for people who are new to online marketing, and for that reason it would be better if mailboxes were free (perhaps with a limited capacity and increased storage space for upgraded members).

When you first start out in this industry, you don't recognise the importance of having your own domain(s) and business email(s), and I think that's fine. Everyone needs to follow a learning curve, and having APSense marketable as a "complete business tool" for newc

Oct 23, 2010 Like it
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