Is there somewhere a number indicating the total of APSense members?
Please don't make me feel stupid by telling me its in the FAQ, I can't find anything in there. Propably my handwriting is not acceptable...
Comments (10)
Ben Ferm
I am so happy that You bare with me. I haven't written a single thing in English for several years now. My fingers automatically search the tangents of my toughts.
Hopefully (for the sake of my wallet) I find a way to syncronize my toughts with my fingers. Preferably before I push the ENTER, as in "Send My Comment".
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Gee we think alike David... scary sometimes.
I was just going to add the same comment... The only stupid question is the one we didn't ask...
David Schupbach
Ben, Your writing is fine, and don't waste your time feeling stupid!
I know that everyone alive knows SOMETHING I don't know, but that doesn't make me stupid!
The only stupid question is the one we didn't ask....
Beth Schmillen
It is good to hear that there will be a "who's online" sometime soon? ... it's great being able to be up to speed with friends most recent posts... but I have to remember to spend time finding more to network with! ...
I guess that would be just under networking or even the ABC business center page always seems to have fresh new faces .... that's what I'll go do now!
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
No Ben, not stupid. I just sort of figured that because I realized everyone was automatically added to the APSense group. But clarification is always good. Sometimes the information is different and as Lynn has said some people have dropped out of the APSense group.
Emily Tanksley
You should not feel stupid Ben. No question is stupid and That was a very good one.. Maybe it will get a new feature added! Hmmmmm....
Ben Ferm
Damit. I knew I would feel stupid again.... :(
Well, I am getting used to it. ;)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
All members are in the APSense group when they join. Some leave the group, but not very many at all since it is where all updates are posted. And currently there are 18,482 members. I hope this helps. There has been mention of adding a members currently online, but that hasn't happened yet. Instead we have the what our friends are doing box.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually, If I'm not mistaken it's the same as the number of APSense group members.