Unable to Edit Subjects
If this has already been reported, please delete it. I searched and couldn't find anything.
I just noticed that my existing subjects with links are now not working because of the change to html. I tried to edit one, but I am getting an error message saying "The subject already exist".
Could someone clever please have a look when you have time?
Thanks :)
Comments (6)
Penny Young
Thanks very much, Wincer! I really appreciate it ; )
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
We converted that subjet from bbcode to html code for you.
and fixed that little bug too.
Thanks, Penny
Penny Young
Yes, exactly like Bj said. Thanks for that ... !
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi wincer
I think what penny wants to do is edit the link in the post to html as it is still there as ubbcode then resave the post.
I had it happen to me a couple of days ago that when i tred to change the body of the post it would not re save it it kept telling me the subject already existed.
as it was a new post i just deleted it and then re did it. but Penny has replies there that I think she does not want to lose.
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
What's the new subject you want to change it to?
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
Hi Penny,
Can you tell us what's your subject title?