Is APSense Guilty Of This?

Posted by Rusty Rose
Dec 10, 2007
I am a subscriber to SiteProNews and in the issue I received today, they had a list of the 10 dumbest decisions website owner/managers can make.  They were listed, starting with no. 10, the least offensive, sort of Dave Letterman style and I would like to quote #5 on the list: "5) Taking a Site Offline for Maintenance I find it fascinating that very large sites run by intelligent people still get taken offline for maintenance on a regular basis. Search engines don't understand the "Back in 15 minutes" sign and the longer the site is down, the bigger the risk. If search bots try and index a site while it is down, they will most likely assume the previously indexed pages have expired and drop them from the search index. This means that all your hard-earned rankings could be flushed down the toilet until search engines can successfully re-index your site. Surely a mirror site for maintenance periods isn't that difficult to set up?" I noticed a little while ago that APSense was down for maintenance?  Is it really necessary to be down for maintenance!
Comments (14)
Beth Schmillen

any site does their best to not be offline but there are times when this is simply unavoidable...

Generally it has to do with how the site is hosted and the servers and what exactly is being done! I know the website for the little mom & pop internet service used to get online thru would have a down time whenever they were switching the server to a new one or upgrading or adding stuff to improve just about anything. They do this for a few minutes to an hour in the middle of the night and it ra

May 30, 2008 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

Just to put this into perspective.

One of my sites is being rebuilt. For five months it has had only an index page and a links page.

This site still has a page rank of 2 and 52 pages indexed by Google.

I don't think any site is going to find being unavailable for a few hours much of a problem.

Some sites can be off line for days if their server loses power but they don't suffer, either.

May 26, 2008 Like it
Indrit Shkodra

Yes I noticed this problem too, but I don't think SE will not index you if you are down, but will get indexed the cached versions of your site.

May 26, 2008 Like it
Jason Hubbard

International Counselor

Thanks for the news! If I were a site-administrator, I'm sure I would do something to avoid it (something like a redirect to something almost as good as what my site sells). But I'm just a brick-in-the-wall, a content-provider.

May 25, 2008 Like it
Jenny Stewart

I read the same article by SiteProNews on Monday.

My impression was that this advice is very important to smaller sites. The larger ones like ApSense can recuperate in a short time (although yes I did have a chuckle after seeing the site down for maintenance when reading the SitePro news stuff )

It may be excessive for larger sites like this one but - it seems to be very relevant to small sites. they are often less professionally run and some of the howlers on the SitePronews list are f

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

As a general rule, general rules suck.

(I'm getting to love that. It seems aposite but I still have no idea what it really means.)

Apply this same logic (about web sites being down) to a man killing in self defence and you will have a murderer instead of an intended victim.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

HI Haticeb

Whenever there is maintenence down time with any site (planned or unplanned) It will unfortunatly not be good for someone, somewhere.
How ever If you contact the person concerned and explain that it was a major update that has not only made some big improvements but also included the addition of the iChannels and tell them how the iChannel addition alone will more than compensate for a missing day. I am sure they will take another look.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Frank,

what was i thinking about on the nofollow tag Duhhhhhhhhh on me on that one lol

I have made a point of reading that particulare article and considering the author is referred to as a "top seo expert" I think they need to get things in perspecive on this one point in their report. The rest of the report does have good advice.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it

Not sure how it could have been avoided but It happened to fall on a day my affiliate was trying to check out Apsense; unfortunately I was denied on the terms that they were not able to view the site where my link would go. I appealed it after I checked with admins to make sure I was giving the right link to the affiliate, explaining that the site was being updated with major changes and to please revisit. I guess it will still happen if it was meant to be. Hopefully, it will.


Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Frank Bauer

Helping You Succeed Online

Hi Bj,

Yes, I agree with you on the use off a revisit Meta tag. Don't think nofollow makes a difference as on the maintenance page are probably no links to other pages, and if there are... you want the spider to follow them even at maintenance times.

Also, a maintenance page will not cause the search engines to drop a page anyway. If a site is not reachable at all for some time, that might happen.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Frank,

nice to see you taking part in this discussion, especially with the knowledge I know you have.

For general maintenance I could not agree more with your option of deactivating login /signup.

As David says though the changes made last week for APSense were a major change to the system with the integration of the new Ichannels and the new APSense Express.

It is my opinion that the article referred to is over exaggerating the possible dropping of pages. Yes it could happen, b

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
David Schupbach

Given the complexity of the re-work, and the benefits the changes have given us, i doubt seriously there was anything "dumb" about the descision to have APSense offline recently.

The integration of iChannels into the site as a whole, and the upgrade to ApSense Express could not have been accomplished with anything less.

Not having been there, I can only imagine the pressure and stress the team went through during the time we were offline.

I Too was having 'withdrawl symptoms' while it w

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Frank Bauer

Helping You Succeed Online

Reason they take it offline is because that's the easiest way if you move from server to server or you do some work on the database and want to make sure that there are no database changes while you do so.

A better way to handle this IMHO is to simply deactivate signup and login forms during that time and apologize and ask the customers to come back in 15 minutes or whatever time they need to fix their issues.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

I would not have a clue on this, but I think the owners would know something about it.
I don't know how easy it would be to put up a 'mirror' site, but I doubt it's as easy as it sounds. I'm sure we wouldn't be taken offline unless absolutely necessary. Least I hope not.
Gordon Bennet, I hate it when apsense is down! How am I supposed to fill my days? LOL. Without Apsense, I'd have to do some work!

Dec 10, 2007 Like it
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