Where have all the network marketers gone?

Sep 9, 2007
These days it seems as if everyone has become an internet marketer, and that signups are the only important performance measure. What happened to good old fashioned relationship building? Even Apsense feels more like an internet marketing community than a social networking community. Or is this a reflection of me seeing Apsense as a glass that is half empty instead of half full?
Comments (15)
David White

Come and talk to me I can show you where Network Marketers should be. "At the Top In the Beginning" to something BIGGG!!! 480-228-0715

Oct 2, 2007 Like it

Hello Inaki,
I have spent everyday for months in a conference room helping people find what they need for their own business. I have kinda' put my product aside. I have people pop in looking for other networking sites, TE's, forums, SEO help, I even check links, ect. Some things I am absolutely no help with but I just direct them to a person that is going to be helpful. So, there is relationships being built out there you just have to sort through all the other stuff. I have met some of the most

Sep 13, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hi Inaki,

There are so many valid points, but you must be positive, what I see here alot is People learning and desperate, I feel for them and would rather help them than shame them. I actually are now at the point where I turn off to this part.
Its really valid to get back to Relationship Marketing, but as this is web 2.0 I do see some ways that irritate us actually do something in outta space.

I guess there is two sides to every coin, yes I hate spam and people thinking that I just have t

Sep 13, 2007 Like it

I think that the real power of social networks is that you are able to meet other skilled, like-minded people with whom you can work together to be successful.
People who are just here to toss an ad at you and run miss out on this.

Sep 13, 2007 Like it
Selya Rollins

Creative Imagery

This is a very important topic here.

If people would slow down, just a little, and think about......
"What does network marketing really mean to you?"

Sep 10, 2007 Like it
Magic Mark

Very interesting point of view Inaki where I notice some members asking for people to join there group and are wondering why nobody does?

They could be great topics and diverse of 'internet marketing overall' but if the 'numbers' aren't there, I tend to wonder if it's about wanting the bigger group lists so as to market something...maybe I am wrong but it sure looks that way! ...and of course, there about what??

Sep 10, 2007 Like it
Mauro & Sylvia Savo

Thank you Gail, Brian and Peter, you added something very special to the topic...that personal touch...the internet business is a quiet lonely place without that personal interaction.

I have no hesitation leaving my phone number here for anyone who would like to simply say hello and what is so wrong with making a new friend...905 890 5454
We'd love to say hello to our apsense friends.

Mauro & Sylvia

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Brian Ockert

You hit the nail square on the head. The reason internet marketing got a bad name was that no one wanted to talk to anyone anymore.
You really do need to get to know someone and what they are all about. How else do you know what you have to offer is any use to them. There is no bigger turnoff than to approve someone as a friend and then to immediately be bombard by ads from them

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Peter Solty

Former semipro musician

Just discovered this topic, i joined several programs as well, and i found out, that these programs won´ t work, except you upgrade or have a large network. I will cancel most as well and get back to build personal relationships. I just moved to Berlin and got contact to the music scene, Some bands i knew before i moved here. Well, the old paths always are better than anything else.

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Mauro & Sylvia Savo

Great topic and some excellent comments.

I hate to do this, but I believe in being brutally honest....YOU WILL NOT GET RICH ONLINE!!
Its not as easy as these so called gurus claim it is, the real gurus are NOT ONLINE selling dreams.
the real gurus and the people you should trust are teaching people, mentoring them and building a trusting long lasting relationship with their people.

Making money is not easy period, not online and not out there in the traditional world.

My wife and I have been

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I get a lot of ads too. That's not why I'm here so I delete them. I'm here to help others and to educate the business owner about laws and regulations they may not know about concerning information security and ID theft.

It's amazing but there are times that I think some are only here to create a downline. But I persevere. Every now and then someone will read my blogs and respond, which is great. I have more of an issue with those who join a group, post an ad and never come back, except

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi San,

Good to see you back and active.

We all fell for the BS and Garbage when we first started.
I dont think there is one person that didnt.

It takes time to learn that you cant join something, sit back, do nothing, and make a fortune. If that was true then why are all these people posting ads that say just that everywhere they can?

They know its not true yet they continue to propogate the lies.
I personally find this totally unethical.

Thier excuse? I want to tell othe

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

As usual Bj,
you hit the nail on the head. And I confess I am guilty of this joining lots of programmes. As a newbie, I am still easily convinced by the hype. Not all of it and I am getting better. But I have to say, that most of the programmes I have joined, I have had some success with. Obviously, some more than others. Whether this is down to good luck or good judgement, I have absolutely no idea.

A lot of the so called 'overnight riches' ads that I fell for right when I started out a few

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Iñaki,

It is my opinion that many members still do not understand what a social networking web site like APSense is about.

This is not entirely their fault. They have either been taught that the only way to get anywhere is to hammer out ads at every possible opportunity by the so called "Guru's", and self proclaimed professional marketers.

Or they are very new and see others, some of which claim to be professional marketers, doing this so they assume it is the correct way to do th

Sep 9, 2007 Like it
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