A few pointers on posting in APSense.

Posted by Bj aka Bill Brown
Oct 24, 2007
APSense is growing constantly so to help, in particular, the newer members the following are a few pointers on making posts in APSense. Blog posting. In the last few days the number of Categories for blogs has been doubled from 12 to 24 in order to give a better selection and enable members to better target their audience. Providing we post our information in the correct categories it will not only help those that are looking for information on a specific subject to find it easier, but will also make it easier for us to make connections with those that have the same interests as we do. Another area where this will also help is with the ASK section of APSense in that there will be more appropriate places to post a blog that answers a specific question. It is important that when using one of our blogs to respond to a question that we make sure the blog does address the question. Currently there are a number of questions that members are answering the questions with a short answer using the box to answer but the blog they attach with it has no relevance at all to the question asked. An extreme example but to make the point it is no good using a blog about computers to reply to a question about food. So if you don’t have a blog on food and you know the answer to the question you can always write one about them and then, once posted in the Food and Drink category, go back and use it to answer the question. The ASK section is also ideal if you want to post the answer to a question that has not specifically been asked about APSense but you feel some may have. You can write a blog and post it in the APSense How To category and then go and post the question and respond to it and use that blog as the reply. This will also enable the APSense group to be used for the purpose it was originally designed for, which is posting administration updates, APSense specific questions when a member cant find the answer, and of course suggestions that we think will make APSense better and / or more user friendly. Kristian has opened a topic where we can all post our suggestions and keep them in one place so they do not get lost and forgotten, and also help the management team by them being able to check just one thread and note down any new suggestions that are posted. . Group posting. We can create up to 5 Groups of our own and it is important to include in our Group description what the group is about and also any posting rules we may wish other members to follow. Each Group has its own posting criteria that the group creator decides. We should follow and respect the wishes of the group creator just as we want others to follow the criteria we set when we create our own groups. It is recommended that before posting in any group for the first time that we read the group description so that we know what the purpose of the group is and if the group creator has made any posting rules. For example some groups allow advertising and others don’t, some are general free for all topics others are aimed at a specific topic. If the group description says no advertising then please respect the group owner’s wishes and don’t post an ad neither in a post nor as a comment. Doing so will only result in the post or comment being deleted and, if we persist in doing so, eventually losing posting privileges in the group. Another point to note is when posting if we set up our signature file in our profile then this is automatically added to any post or comment we make. This is in some groups the only link allowed on a post or comment
Comments (16)
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I'd just like to add a reminder for the new people here. Read the group guidelines before posting ads to make sure the guidelines of the group allow for it. Otherwise with some groups, mine among them your ad will be deleted. I really don't like to immediately delete posts but I have to stand firm on the no ad policy. If you aren't sure about policy contact group administrators who can tell you exactly what the posting policies are for their groups.

Nov 1, 2007 Like it
Dave Thomas

Thanks Bill

Some very good pointers ther gets a tops from me

Nov 1, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Nicely done, as always.

Nov 1, 2007 Like it
Sue Sphapmixay

Wow... I should have come here before I started posting my comments. Excellent pointers by the way!!!

Oct 30, 2007 Like it

thanks for your kind support,

Oct 26, 2007 Like it

Awesome post! Very helpful

Oct 26, 2007 Like it
Angela Chen Shui

THANKS for this excellent post, Bj!!!

Specifically, you explained the 'Ask Question' feature and how to use our blogs to answer relevant questions wonderfully, which is exactly what I needed... ;-) I've been away a bit and just noticed this awesome new feature.



Oct 25, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

I just knew you would have this covered,
you de man!

Oct 25, 2007 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Thanks Bill - you've just answered one of my questions before I'd asked it!
Good informational post.


Oct 24, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Thank you to everyone for the feedback.

With the membership growing as it is it was felt a short posting tips, would help the newer members and would not go amiss as a refresher for those of us that have been here a while.

For Kristian
I think it covered all points mentioned.

For June.
Thank you, I would like to mention though that this is an administration information post, rather than a blog.

I also have to keep my blogs for the approptiate locations as mentioned abo

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
June Mac

Thanks, a great blog as always

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

Yet another great guide BJ, well done and thank you!

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
Penny Young


Helpful and clear as always. Thanks!

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Thank you for these guidelines. Hopefully APSense will just continue to get better and better if people take the time to learn and follow rules for all groups.

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Bravo BJ
Very straight forward and easy to understand as usual! Keep up the great work.

Oct 24, 2007 Like it
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