Apsense Group Discussions are NOT for posting Advertisments

Posted by Kristian H.
Jun 8, 2007
Group Subjects & Comments are NOT for posting Advertisments! Apsense Group subjects and comments are for quality discussions, NOT Advertisments! Discussions increase the amount of quality information within Apsense, this in turn will provide more and more quality advise and helpful information to everyone. We do understand that most Apsense users have their own businesses and advertisments are important. This is why we have advanced ad posting systems as well as many direct communication features for users to stay in contact. Please use the features given to you to build your business: 1) Apsense's Ad Network - Post your ads using apsense credits to get your business out to all apsense users. 2) Build your network and Post bulletins to your entire network with one click! 3) Build your contact list and send messages directly to your contacts. 4) Put yourself and your business in the "spotlight" in our spotlight contest weekly. 5) If You have setup your signature that is too long or too BIG the subtlety goes out the window and your comment will be looked on as spamming! SPAM ADVERTISMENTS in group discussions is NOT the answer. ----------------------------------- Apsense Business Page... coming June 2007
Comments (59)
Jennifer Underwood


Busts a move for APSense!! Yeahhh...finally a place where spammers aren't allowed!!

Jennifer Sasser

Jun 13, 2007 Like it
Thomas M.

Lifestyle Coach

Just one question. What do you all think about giving useful resources? Some may be advertising.. Some may be free things. This is the only gray area... Things like training could help out other marketers.

Jun 13, 2007 Like it
James Max

Blog Network Community

Hope you are all having a Great week.

I don't see why anyone would post ads in the Apsense Discussion Group, but the others are not clearly defined.

All these confusing questions emanate from the fact that no one has yet figured out how to design a Social Networking Site with thousands of NetMarketers running their own Groups, Networks and Contact lists without offending other members.

We need separate Social Group and Business Group contacts.
We need separate Private Mail and Business

Jun 12, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I would think that legit helpful links would be okay. As long as the link wasn't blatant self promotion. This is my opinion. Lynn

Jun 12, 2007 Like it
Curtis Dunn

Hurray, for the no ads rule.

However, I have a question. Is it appropriate if I start a thread asking for a specific type of information, for people to answer the thread with a link to a legitimate answer or should they privately e-mail the link to answer me?

Jun 12, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

A big thumbs up to NO SPAM.

I love the rule here 3 complaints gone.......................yipee!

AS for points, you leave on your apsense download for points,
you invite others that is what I understand for points gaining here.

I really appreciate my groups delete button as some have spammed
and I want only content in my group, so thanks Kristian you really help
us serious groupies.

Kind Regards

Jun 12, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur

Hi All

Sounds like Thomas hit the nail on the head..."We learn as we go!"
That pretty much sums it up.
No one likes spam we get enough of that in our emails.
Keep up the great work everyone and enjoy



Jun 12, 2007 Like it
Mark Stephen Hauser


Please join my group to learn more about one of the best ways online to build residual income.


Jun 11, 2007 Like it
Karleen Morris

Hello all,
Just wanted to say hello since i'm a newbie on the block. My main interest is blogging ???? How to??? and marketing.

Jun 11, 2007 Like it
Terrence Tutaj

Thank you bjantiques for your explanation. The point about the blatant ads 'burying' either questions or good responses, makes a lot of sense. I now understand the system and the reasoning much better. And yes, even I, a new person, know enough to look at the title of the various forums. I guess that is not too much too ask for. Thanks again for your answer.

Jun 11, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Hi Thank you for posting this !
I am getting so many users who do not read the description of the groups and just go in and post their Ads! I have tried to be nice and email them, explaining why I had to delete thier post and then inviting them to post again but to follow the description of the group before doing so. I also have pointed them to other groups that have been set up so that they may post thier businesses etc. I know that many of the people here are new to Networking but it is time

Jun 11, 2007 Like it
Thomas M.

Lifestyle Coach

Kristian, The honor and credit point system is too confusing. Can you please simplify the system and let us know how it works. Should be a separate place on the site to get this clarified...

Jun 10, 2007 Like it
Brian Ockert

Hi Kristian
I see you have 1000's of honor points.
Could you tell me how you get them and how you award them please?
Best wishes Brian

Jun 10, 2007 Like it
Wesley H.

Computer Tech

Posting ads in areas that are designed to help our members so they can ask questions isnt allowed.

As Kristian pointed out to use designateted areas.
Please use the features given to you to build your business:
1) Apsense's Ad Network - Post your ads using apsense credits to get your business out to all apsense users.
2) Build your network and Post bulletins to your entire network with one click!
3) Build your contact list and send messages directly to your contacts.
4) Put yourself a

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Barbara Eyre

If in a group discussion, there is a thread concerning ... for example, article marketing ... and people are giving advice and suggestions on how-to and such ... then suddenly in the middle of the thread there is an off-topic blatant ad for a money making business - - this is the sort of spam we are referring to.

This is why many groups create a thread specifically for promoting your business so that you won't be doing that in other threads that are for discussions on specific topics. These

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Terrence

The problem that you are missing is The APSence group is to help and assist members when they have questions about ASPence.

But many have abused the group by posting ads and so posts by the people needing help have been buried and not been answered.

Second point. If you are reading any thread and there is a blatant ad instead of a relevant reply to the post then don’t ignore it, click on the report unrelated post.

It is up to the members to help make APSence work a

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Terrence Tutaj

I really don't understand the problem. I am new to Apsense and I assume I will make a 'mistake" and so will and so have others. If you happen to see an answer in a group discussion that sounds like an advertisement for someone's business, then don't read it. Relax. Enjoy life. It sounds as if you are really uptight about all of this. If it bothers you so much, then maybe a polite email to that person to explain what happened might be nice. I would appreciate, because I believe in followin

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

My opinion on advertising being sent by contacts is...that we have the option of accepting or declining contact requests. The people I have accepted or requested are welcome to send me information. If someone was to abuse this, I would remove or block them. So I really don't see this as being an issue. Lynn

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Kristian

Your apolicy on advertising will certainly be one of the keys to the success of ApSense as a community.

However, PLEASE will you clarify my questions about ads in private messages to contacts? I would hate to see this permitted - we will just end up ignoring our messages as we do on other communities, if this is permitted!


Jun 9, 2007 Like it
David Dubb

ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer

Excellent information and a great point. Good to keep content and avice quality. A suggestion to those who would like to promote a product concerning another member's query is to simply request them to add as a contact, that way we can keep the quality to it's fullest and give the help we all need at the same tine without abusing the system.

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
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