[b]Why is this happening?[/b]

Posted by Bob Laibach
Jul 16, 2007
I am sick of these people who put their advertisement on every group. They are going from group to group and simply coping and pasting their advertisements. People who do this should be banned from this site. I don't mind seeing new business ideas and things of that nature, but where do we draw the line? Perhaps we can get the habitial affenders banned and we can go on about our merry lives. WE need to stick together on this issue. Post your message in one group, NOT 20! Worse people seem to think if you spam comments that works too. I never look at these people as respectable business owners. They are no better than the spammers sending out UBE.
Comments (41)
Mike Hunt

Sissie, at least you`ve made the effort to do something with your Business Centre, (kool pics to) it`s those that simply login .. post the same thing to a heap of groups and don`t even bother utilizing what APsense has that are hurting themselves as well as bringing the place down a little.

How can one learn unless you actually get involved, while i`m not at all interested in doing PTC or PTR whatsoever, I at least enjoyed viewing your profile, your Business Centre

Jul 17, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Sissie,

I think I can speak for all when I say this is a general comment not directed at any one individual.

We are all learning and problems are highlighted through posts like this one.
The important thing is by it being brought up you have learned something from it.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Jul 17, 2007 Like it
Edna Moore

I am sorry but I am one that has on a time or two posted the same ad in 5 or 6 different groups for the PTR I thought that was what I was suppose to do to get the ad out in more groups to get people to read it.

I see now that I was WRONG and am sorry If I am one of the people you are talking about.

Jul 17, 2007 Like it
John Bassett

Hi Everybody. I must a missed something. I thought each member of APSense had their own unique page and a business page to boot. So that's where we advertise. Hmmm! Yep there must be something missing...

To blatantly use a message to advertise your next new fantasmo bus/op is unfair on new people who join because they just get bewildered by all the hype. If APSense want to introduce a spamming policy so be it. However it is we the members who must take responsibility to use the system in a p

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Doug,

To follow up on Lynn's point about flood posting.

Go to groups then click on all subjects at the bottom of the page.
You will see consistently of you go through a few pages that
a) the same group is listed several times after each other
b look also at the last column you will see the same poster listed consecutively

Note the time between posts in many cases it is clear they have simply logged in and cut and paste as many as they can as fast as they can.

Repeat this exe

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Douglas Coone

Very True Lynn, That could be workable.

However, again, I stress that we ourselves have to take responsibility for what we allow in our groups or what groups we decide to belong. I woud hate to start down the slippery slope of Apsense Administration policing things we should do ourselves.

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Even a 2-3 minute time delay would help. And it takes at least 2-3 minutes to read a discussion and write a thoughtful comment. That would be long enough that members who are only posting ads and not participating elsewhere...would get tired of waiting and they would take their behavior elsewhere. The way it is now they can flood the entire front page within a few minutes. Lynn

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Douglas Coone


Thanks for your understanding. However, though a time delay seems like a good idea on the surface, it could cause other problems. Would it be fair to those members who are involved in discussion threads, liek us here, to have to wait for some arbitrary time delay before we could post a response? Again, with enforcing a time delay, we are asking Apsense to do the policing for us on our own created groups, and not taking responsibility for it ourselves.

I will say I am glad to see t

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

yes give newbies a go Brian, but there are certain members who make absolutely no contribution to any group or their own apart from posting links ... no blog posts and nothing in the Business Centre. I`ve been interested in a post quite a few times enough to click through to view the profile/Biz Centre and lo and behold ... there`s nothing there.

This is with members that have been here alot longer than I and you can get something up in your profile, blog and Business centre i

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Brian Ockert

I do sympathize to some extent with new people who join and are finding their feet. I myself have only been a member for a short time and my first post was to a thread by someone who has posted in this thread. After re-reading what I had written I could see why my post was deleted and I am truly sorry that I violated my friends forum. But it was a valuable lesson and one I won't do again.
So please give a new person the benefit of the doubt and point out the error of their ways to them. If they

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I understand your point about if a group permits ad placement, then you should be able to post in their groups. I would like to see some sort of posting time delay...so people couldn't post every few seconds. I do believe that this would help. Lynn

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

I do agree with you on certain points devilish Dougie .. lol .. my point is I don`t think that the spam type groups should be spotlighted so easily, simply create a group and allow people to post links to whatever it is they are promoting and people join left right and centre to do just that, not much "discussion" goes on though.

Heck I just posted an ad myself in one of these groups but I made it look real good though using colour and an image so maybe that will be no

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Douglas Coone

I am going to play the devil's advocate on this issue. I do know tha the other day I, myself, posted an ad in about 5-6 different groups. But, they were all groups that specifically were meant to post ads in.

I agree that I hate getting ads in my email inbox on Apsense, that is a violation I believe. However, as far as posting them in groups, unless the group specifically disallows it is another matter.

Apsense advertises itself as a place to be able to post ads to 1,000's of desktops i

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

These individuals are reported to support. There was a person the other day who had 14 of the 20 available slots on the first page. They were reported. We do our best to stay on top of this. The best advice I can give is for people to delete these offenders from their groups. You can also use the block feature. As in every community there will be people who abuse the site. It is important for all members to watch their own groups. There are still issues being worked out. This site just keeps get

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

LOL ... hey Karen, that was probably the same person that deleted me as a contact after I got spammed and sent back a word or three of advice ... NO LOSS!! ; )

The biggest problem I feel is while APsense is a fantastic system, people are just making groups for people to "post there link" and they are the ones that are being spotlighted the most and therefore get more people joining them. This just creates a chain of people that haven`t a clue about what they should be doing and

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Curtis Dunn

I think that the easiest answer in the short run is for us all to police our own groups and comments. I haven't had to use it yet, but I did see a decline option in contacts (and I'm assuming this would block the offending person from contacting us again). Just block anyone who annoys you.

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Margaret Elmendorf

I noticed yesterday, that there were at least two ads put in and the person that did them had 2 honor points. That doesn't make any sense to me. So who do we trust.

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Peter Solty

Former semipro musician

Would be sad, if apsense is overflooded by spams. I understand, if a newbie in internet marketing does some ads, but i don´ t tolerate those, who are long time experienced marketers do spam. Meanwhile i got some important contacts, won´ t like to see then go away due of spams. As bj said, report unrelated comments, they will be gone soon.

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Frank McMillon

Web Designer and Professional Consultant

Hey Bob...

I agree with you as well. APSense is a great tool/resource. It provides all of the necessary tools for one to advertise (both free and paid).

I believe once some of the Members figure it out, they might change their ways/habits. I would hate to see APSense turn into a SPAM board and I sincerely hope not....We will see!


Jul 16, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Bob,

Yes this is a serious problem at the moment.
If they spam post your group with a new topic then simply delete it.
If they spam post with a comment in a thread you have started you can delete it.

Unfortunatly if they spam post in a thread you did not start then the only thing you can do is click on the report unrelated comment..

You can try contacting them but as Karen points out you might get blocked as thanks for your efforts to try helping them.

In the APSense Group t

Jul 16, 2007 Like it
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