DANGER - Security Warning

Posted by Karen Weir
Aug 15, 2007
Not exactly APSense related, but certainly could affect APSense friends. Have you received emails that appear to be from a friend or family member sending you an online greeting card? DANGER! There's a really virulent worm being spread at the moment which apparently is the most widespread and most virulent worm for over a year. It arrives in your email inbox with an email subject line that appears to be a greetings card from a friend, a buddy, a family member, a colleague, a mate, etc etc. If you fall for it and click the link to 'collect' your so called greetings card you're done for, because the worm is then released into your computer. It waits their patiently until it receives a message from its creator instructing it to send emails out from YOUR Address book to unsuspecting friends or colleagues. This spreads the worm further and also spreads a scam email about stocks and shares, which eventually makes money for the scum who initiated it. ~ Karen ~
Comments (31)
Jeanette G.


A while ago I had one of these cross through my e-mail. It included a link to remove from the list, which I clicked because I had no interest and it lead to a sign up page so i deleted at that point.

Nov 23, 2007 Like it
Mel kennon

thanks karen.

Nov 21, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

Whenever there is something wonderful that comes along, like the Internet, there are always those willing to spoil it. I wonder what makes these people tick, anyway? They must be so unhappy in life.

Thanks, Karen for the updates and also to Sheila. It's the first I've heard about the "group joining" thingy. I'll be on my guard and on the lookout for them.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Just be careful of the ones that come with the name of someone known to you. I'd recommend contacting them but contacting them by e-mail is not an option. In most cases their address book has been hijacked. So unless you know them well enough to have a phone number I'd recommend deleting it.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Shelia McCrary

Shelia McCrary


Thanks so much for this information. Yesterday I received an e-mail from a supposed group asking me to join. Unfortunately I did and then started receiving all kinds of odd e-mail. It didn't ask me to do anything about my profile. After this happened people kept asking me to remove them from the list which I had not added anyone to any list. One person got really ugly with me and I had to get a little bit ugly back. Once I made this person know for sure that I was not the owner o

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Hey there! Just came across this subject....I am your friendly neighborhood cyber crime slayer....in my groups I try to keep you up with the 'new' in cyber crime
Hard to do....but I am protected, and taken care of...but out here getting you all on the same page.
Join my groups, on all updates on new THREATS!

Sep 26, 2007 Like it

I've even started a site http://419scams.tblog.com/ to show all the stupid SPAM I get all the time! I've also gotten this e-card scam...

Aug 22, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi All,

I'm glad no one here has fallen for this. It's a new spin on an old game.

Today my inboxes were full of another hoax - for lack of a better word. Similar to that which Bewcastle mentions - several similiar emails with a variation of "welcome to... ___", appearing to be a legitimate program with a link to go update your profile.

I have to wonder if these people put this kind of effort into something positive what kind a difference they could make in the world!

Aug 22, 2007 Like it
Ian Bewcastle

Some of the sites affected have warnings posted about these scammers who claim to be from them so one technique to avoid these problems is to go look at the site directly by typing the address into a browser window. I dont get may of the e-card ones tho I do get a lot of the bank or jobsite ones. One I got a little while ago loads a site that sayhs if secure login doesnt load then download this .exe file ..... guess what it didnt load so an unsuspecting user might download it and no doubt it was

Aug 21, 2007 Like it
Billy Martin

hello karen,

I have been getting tons of these emails,
but I have not opened any of them,

so far (knock on wood) none of them has come from anybody I know,

when I first started to get them I was really tempted to open one
but I had heard about this before
so I got an Idea to email everyone I know and ask if they have sent me an ecard,
they all responded they had not,
so I let them know about these ecards and not to open any of them

and if they did send me one to instant messa

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Karen

Thanks for sharing this am seeing them in my box also havent click on them yet know it was a scam or something like that

Robert Phillips

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Donald Devereux

Thanks for the head up Karen.

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Arnold PEREZ

Thank you, I ve seen these in my mail but have yet to open one. Good thing i didnt. Your a blessing in disguise.

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Abe Campbell

Thanks Karen (and everybody else!) I'm glad to know I'm not the only person getting these!

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Orie Goudge

If you truly were concerned about security vulnerabilities you should secure your computer in the best way possible. I been a computer Tech for 19 years I recommend Invisus to many people. Its professionally managed internet security much like what large companies use but available to the average home user for pennies a day. Save yourself the costly fees of repair I know I bill at 35.00 an hour, with the service you get unlimited free technical support. Corporate grade software previously only a

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Rado Zupanc


Thanks for the warning . I am getting a lot of those cards for about last month. Lucky they come to my scam folder and I just delete.
If card doesn't tell the name od sender - it is scam! This is my rule.

cheers to all from Portugal

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Wesley H.

Computer Tech

doing support for 3 differnet web sites i get about 30 to 50 a day and i delete all of them as i have no friends, a buddy, a family
member, a colleague, a mate, etc etc... that would send a online greeting as i tell everyone not to send them and if they do i won't open them.

Most knows if its not direct from a friend or family i wont even read it the delete button works wonders when you don't know who is the real sender. as for support emails its direct from the members of the sites or from

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

This is true. You can check it out at "Snopes" and "Urban Legends."


Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Green Man

Web Consultant

This is why we network and help each other out. That we can be one step ahead of the scammers out there. Thanks Karen

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Shelia McCrary

Shelia McCrary

Thanks for the warning Karen! I have received several of these also but my spam blocker stopped them for me for which I am grateful. I have started deleting all of them.

Have a wonderful day!

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
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