Why are There Too Many Censors At APSENSE?

Posted by Mike
Dec 9, 2007
I think there are too many censors at Apsense.  At least the ones that have many more limits to what can be censored.  These censors feel as if every single Submission that isn’t targeted toward how much money they can make isn't for them. These individual Censors also seem too recruit other Apsenser's to join in on this negative bandwagon of there's. No wonder they can't make any money. Negativity breeds negativity   I  Joined Apsense to Introduce my services and products to business minded individual or groups who want to network national and globally, not just to these few negative individuals. I've earned 6 figure's on and off the internet for more than a decade now and I enjoy everyday that I'm on the Internet. I've been a member of almost every opportunity on and off the net. I made alot money in some and none in others.  One Thing for sure I haven't let the negative people in this world prevent me from earning on the Internet The main Focus of a BUSINESS SOCIAL NETWORK is to Introduce your products and services to that particular Internet community. If you Don't Agree with A Product or service just simply move on. Everyday New products spring up. Some products are good and alot are bad. You must use your own judgement on these products and not give your opinions on things that you don't participate in yourself "GET INVOLVED OR SIMPLY GET OUT OF THE WAY" ITS THAT SIMPLEHave you given to your favorite Charity Lately
Comments (32)
Jenny Stewart

p.s. I have topped the discussion because - whatever the original topic started out to say - it has developed into something very interesting and WORTH READING

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hooray for Garnet!! He's done it again!

A big gold star for the man who has reminded us all that we do not make money "off the internet" We make money selling products and services using the internet.

With the avalanche of "home businesses" everyone and his mother is selling opportunities!
Oppourtunities to do WHAT?? LOL

All this paid to read emails and paid to click on ads ,makes a total mockery of advertising. i advertise my product because I want to sell it - not because I want someone

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Thanks Lynn.
All the more reason to behave like grown ups. If non members of Apsense can come here to check us out, we want them to see a responsible, well managed, professional group of internet marketers and online business owners.
that means
Quality discussions - not blatant ads!
Honest discussions - not bickering between each other!
Open discussions - where everyone can give an opinion and not worry that a personal attack will be made for doing so.

And I know it's hard with the writ

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999


You do not have to be a member to read discussions here at APSense. Unless of course it is a private group.


Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Thanks Eric
You know it just all gets a bit much sometimes and it's easy to get caught up in it. I was in a particular opportunity where the forum was just everyone immediatley trashing anyone who didn't agree with what they said, or said something bad about the business. It doesn't make for good business sense.
If anyone comes to Apsense and reads the discussions here (btw, not too sure if that can happen,but I presume it can), they will be turned off by supposedly 'professional' networkers

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Very good reply San. I must admit i do agree with what you said...

I guess in addition to what you said, we also need to show a certain amount of professionalism in what we do online (and offling, but especially online).

Like it or not, people are "mentally judged" by the way they present themselves.

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Well, I was'nt going to comment on this for a number of reasons. But I'm a woman (no offence intended to other women) and I can't keep my gob shut. Been my downfall most of my life and I doubt I'll ever change.
This post was made I presume in response to the high number of anti spam posts that we have all seen so much of lately.
But instead of discussing the author's opinion (ie. that too many people are taking it upon themselves to be the watchdog for Apsense) instead the thread has been no

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


There are police on here? No way...lol

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Sounds Good Cheryl...you'll be right in time for the mosquitoes..lol

Mo..I think your right, I'm outta here..later

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Hi Monika & Wayne,

I don't know who'se been topping it - not me, but it's almost worth it
for the great comments from some of you! :-)

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Um actually I think I'll schedule the boonies during the summer. I'm severely allergic to cold LOL!

If you spammers are paying attention I think you get my point by now!

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
David Schupbach


Ha, ha, ha, I love it!

The communities of the world have police because of the elements in every society who refuse to respect the rights and opinions of others!

Here's your sign.....!!

Thanks for standing up and identifying yourself!

Now I don't know about the rest of you good people, but brother mike did make a good point... we need to get out of the way and stop trying to educate a closed mind! Especially one that is waaaayy above ours!

I, for one, am removing this

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Well I have to laugh now..LOL..and I quote:

"People it's the internet"

"I have been earning off the internet"

Funny thing about the internet...it is impossible to earn a CENT off the internet!

However People buy things, and the internet just so happens to be a COMMUNICATION TOOL.

How nice of you to stop by and Communicate!

Still sound like an APSense Cop?

Hey(and I quote again!):

"lighten up. Smile a little more, Read a good book (the bible), enjoy life a little more, Tak

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Monika & Wayne T.

Time Travellers

You can count us in Cheryl.:-)

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

It's on my agenda Eric! I'll Have to catch up with lot's of you good folks "Down Under"

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Would be great to catch up with you if you make it to Aussie Land Cheryl...

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

OK, lets do it...

Lets drop all the rules for a week online and offline.

While we are at it, why not turn all the traffic lights off, remove emergency signs, let people decide which side of the road they want to drive on, eliminate drink-driving laws, make drugs legal... lets forget about rules altogether.


Social Networks are about "Social Networking" NOT promotion / Advertising in groups or blogs.

BUSINESS Social Networks therefore are about "Soci

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

It will survive by NOT becoming a hotbed of spam and blatant advertising. That's a big problem I have with some other "social" networking sites which have degenerated into nothing more than everyone spamming everyone else. I have a business that I'm happy with, I really don't want to go to a social site expecting to get to know people and make contacts that can be mutually beneficial only to have everyone on my contact list sending me this site they want me to join them in or that biz op they

Dec 11, 2007 Like it

The Apsense Police Showed up like I thought. All this waisted energy and bandwidth. I have better way's to use my energy. With All the bad energy in apsense and don't know how this site will survive on the Net. So many uptight people in one place. People It's the Internet.

REPEAT AFTER ME : We all need to lighten up. Smile a little more, Read a good book (the bible), enjoy life a little more, Take up knitting, learn Feug Shui.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Marlo Thomas

Visionary Affiliate Marketer

It's about relationship-building. It's important to build trust.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
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