Multiple contact messaging!!

Posted by Man Owar
Nov 8, 2007
How come apsense has no multiple contact messaging. We have to select one by one in order to send message thats like working as data entry in order contact your friends. I hope there will be multiple contact messaging to people in your friends list. And also with selectable options to whom the message you want to send.
Comments (37)
Rocky Pacley

I see all of the different reasons for not having this feature and
it seems to me that a professional image has to implemented.
Just like all of the guidelines for Apsense and the stipulation in
the same manner is the way to operate the system.

I love the idea and if you implement direction it will go a long way
in the development of the communication system.

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


Ok..thanks for all who participate and gave their comments. The case is close and no multi-messaging in the contact ;p. For the following reason

1. SPAMMING - Blatant attacks for commercial sake ;)
2. Apsense express is an alternative for multiple messaging
3. Bulletins is another alternative - depending on your membership

Thats it.. Case close..court dismiss

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I think the problem is people are under the misguided impression that one has to advertise and flog their URL's wherever they can in ordfer to make a sale.

I haven't advertised once (except WOA) since joining APsense yet I now have customers and representatives and a growing team as a direct result of APsense.

Constant participation, an offer of help or a kind word will always pay more than a direct attack of blatant promotion.

So, to answer your question - Yes we are here for commerci

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


This is no offence...i just think it is a good reason.

Isn't it for commercial reasons we are here!!!.

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Bulletins are sent to your network, they show up on their account page. It depends on your membership how often.
1 - Free members are allowed to broadcast once every 3 days
2 - VIP members are allowed to broadcast once every 2 days
3 - Partner members are allowed to broadcast everyday

This is another benefit of expanding your network.

Contacts are a separate issue and as of this moment there are no plans of implementing mass messaging for contact lists.


Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Zac,

We can do what your mentioning with the Bulletin feature on APsense Express.

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

The most likely people to abuse the privilege would be people
who do not understand and are new or someone who will do
it anyway.

Do you guys honestly think that if someone who has the capability
to sponsor 100 people or more will abuse that system....I don't think so.

In my opinion people like that know the difference between abusing
the system and/or using it in a more positive way.

That is my question.

So is 2 messages a month from your sponsor considered
mass mailing or spamming. This

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I think you probably answered your own question then.

Chances are no matter how honourable the circumstances - A bulk messenger would most likely be abused for commercial purposes.

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


To say yes maybe. But also sometimes need to contact to three people at simulataneously and to send some message

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

So you would want a Bulk mailer to send Commercial mesages ?

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


Well some people do reads junk mail. Like myself

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Rukas,

What would you use a mass mailer for ?

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


How about providing two category in the mass messeging part just like in the email. One is for junk messeges and another is for normal messeges. I think that is a good options to consider

Nov 10, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I will say this about APSense express it is another tool provided for our use. And yes it can be annoying when it constantly pops up. I've solved that problem. I simply log out of the Express when I'm not using it to send a bulletin. When I need or want to send one I log on send then exit out of it again. No mess no fuss. The catch is using the tools provided efficiently.

Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


That reply should be paper clipped, stapled and glued to the top... VERY well said!!

Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

I agree, mass mailing is NOT a good idea. If we make it too easy for people to mass mail via the apsense email, then we are going to get nothing done but deleting or banning people from writing to us.
The apsense express is a great tool to notify those that are in our network and takes no time at all to post a bulletin. As far as newsletters go, ask your contacts first if they wish to sign up for a newsletter, you have great tool on your apsense business center for getting newsletter contacts.

Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

I agree it is time consuming to go through one by one.
But I have to agree, that yes, if I want to contact someone, I would take the time.

I would prefer to spend my time contacting someone than deleting unwanted messages.

Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

Cheryl.....Not everyone downloads the Apsense Express.

I will try to explain my point....

If you look around to just about every post(s) you will see
the same faces. Out of 20,000 Apsense members I'm guessing
but you will only see about 100-200 members who are active if that.

I know of one other site similar to Apsense has about 30,000
members but around 2,000-3,000 members are active on
a daily basis.

If we truly want to build Apsense into a bigger and more active
community then we should h

Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

If I'm not mistaken that is the whole point of bulletins. To contact your personally sponsored members. As it is I get enough unwanted ads. Just because I'm on your contact list does not mean I want to continually receive this great marketing offer or that great marketing offer. When I use my contacts it's because I want to communicate. And yes maybe there is a great tool that will help someone but I would notify the person I believe it can help and not everyone on my contact list.


Nov 9, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

Terry I would partly agree but not all with spam.

I would like to see a contact your personally sponsored members.

I know some members would abuse this but a simple " I accept message from sponsor "
or " I do not accept message from sponsor " button would solve this problem.

If you keep sending rubbish then the person can stop this but a sponsor who truly
wants to offer help and support I think members will appreciate this.

Or allow only say 2 sends a month or something along those lines

Nov 8, 2007 Like it
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