Scam Pre Warning

Posted by Zac Josevski
Nov 11, 2007
Hi Everyone, It is bad enough that these sub humans prey on the vulnerable in e-mails but now they have turned to Social networking sites. I just got  a message from a person in another social networking site and I reported it to admin and warned others. It looks like one of those Nigerian scams. These so called humans may try here so I am pre-warning you all. I know most of you are savvy enough to spot them but some of our new people may get caught out. If any of you get these type of e-mails or messages, never respond to them. You will get scammed. Here is the message I received and I took out the contact e-mail. START: From Miss Carine Abel - messages to/fro From Car Abel: From Miss Carine Abel   From Miss Carine Abel Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire. Please respond me to my private email id for more details.                         (CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE) Dear  Good thing to write you. I have a proposal for you.This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will. I am Miss Carine Abel, the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs Abel. My father was a highly reputable busnness magnet-(a Cocoa Merchant, Diamond and Gold Dealer)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad on 2nd March 2006.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old,and since then my father took me so special. Before his death on 2nd March 2006 he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Seventeen  Million,Seven  Hundred Thousand United State Dollars.(USD$17.7000) deposited in  SECURITY COMPANY in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire . He further told him that he deposited the consigmnet in my name as the next of kin,and he registered the consigment as family valuables and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer whom he said is in possession to handle all the necessary legal documents of the consigment which he deposited in SECURITY COMPANY and he instructed the lawyer to hand over the doucments to me whenever I need it. I am  a university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. Now I want a foreign partner who assist me to retrieve this consigment from the SECURITY  COMPANY in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire . This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast.The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life.I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1.Can you kindly tell me what the type of a profitable venture this fund will uesd to invest avoid waste of it. 2). Can you honestly help me as your daughter? 3). Can I completely trust you? 4). What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after you have collected this consigment on my behalf? Please,consider this and get back to me as soon as possible with your telephone number for oral disscussion and keep it highly confidential with yourself. Thank you so much. Yours Sincerely, Miss Carine Abel. Please respond me to my private email id for more details. END:
Comments (57)
David Dubb

ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer

Unfortunately, these scams will never cease.
As mentioned in earlier comments,

Don't Open,
Don't Reply,


I also advise anyone who has a short timer for showing opened mails
to delete these quickly before your mailer actually opens them because,
some scammers get notice informimg them if their message was opened or deleted .

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur

don't know the person ....don't read email delete...simple
You are the weakest link goodbye.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

It is as well to keep warning people of these scams.

Those of us that are familiar with them can speak derisively of 'fools' who fall for them but it is unfortunate that enough people, often newly on the internet, fall for them to make this a profitable 'business'.

Just as anybody on the net with a 'business' will do, these scammers are simply using what is available to them, like those who send adverts for penis patches, instant wealth systems and viagra.

To stop them would also curtai

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Rukas, what of greedy excitement or greedy curiosity? Anybody who needs an unknown person on the Net to get access to or manage a fund is a screaming scammer. The other person who falls for the scam is a greedy thief. How about that?

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


I don't believe in the words call greedy, i would rather use it as curiousity or excitement ;)

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Dave, you hit the nail on the head. It is only a stupid person that will fall for this kind of thing again after all the rampancy and enlightenment. Even if a newbie gets caught up in it, he has himself to blame for being greedy.

In lighter mood, may I suggest that we spare Nigeria a bit from this kind of thing. May I then suggest that we call this one a Cote D'Ivorien scam, but look o.......that's another sister country!

God save Nigeria, my badly abused country!

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Dror Lukach

there is a saying:
naive person don't die thy change

this Nigerian scams. are bad
look out from them

thy are everywhere

i just got one to my myspace page and i block them and report as spam...

the best thing to do is don't open emails from pepole you don't know

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Man Owar


This is the usual scams email. I've received similar email like this almost i just dont care about it

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

It goes to show we must share out knowledge of this.


Hopefully all the new ones read this!
Do not click
Do not open
Send to spam folder and if noone you know
don't acknowledge ever, even if they ask for a delete
receipt, DO NOT CLICK IT.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Jean DAndrea


I've found the only way to deal with these is the Delete button - works wonders! :-)

We get plenty of them, and as Zac says, there was a program here in Melbourne
recently about it. They actually work from Sydney and Melbourne, and change
names/scams frequently.

Don't get sucked in - they'll empty your accounts- that's what the scam is about.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it

I am so glad I started reading this blog, I get this type of emails just about everyday, I wonder how this can be stopped. I don't think a day goes by that one doesn't come.
Thanks for bringing this topic to the light.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Dave Thomas

Yes same garbage again I have to say anyone stupid enough to fall for this garbage almost deserves to be ripped off, These scams have been highlighted in newspapers/TV and radio for years


Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

It's sad Eric.

It was not long ago that it was on the local news here in Melbourne
and several people lost there life savings.

I think the program " A curent Affairs " track these people down
and stopped them but many more take their place unfortunately.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Monika & Wayne T.

Time Travellers

Thanks Zac for the heads up. Will keep our eyes open.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I think something similar has already gone around here... Or that may have been at CYN... not sure!

Its sad to think people stoop to those levels... its even sadder to think some people actually fall for it...

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

I have seen 100's and I still get them daily in my inbox.

The sad thing is that some people get caught out
and loose their life savings.

It's been on the news a lot over the years but still
many fall for it.

Now these creaps have turned to the social networking sites.

What next :-(

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Aha! Mrs Lopez has resurfaced as an undergraduate. I received almost the same e-mail a little over a year ago from Mrs Lopez who was dying of cancer. Her husband died at sea and had made a fortune in the oil business. However Mrs Lopez hailed from Spain. I'm truly amazed at this scam. It has been around as long as the internet has been around and shows no signs of dying anytime soon.

Yes be very suspicious of these e-mails, delete them immediately.

Nov 11, 2007 Like it
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