Another Security Warning

Posted by Karen Weir
Aug 23, 2007
No sooner did the malicious e-card emails stop when this one began. Links in emails supposedly confirming membership of a website or online service actually lead to a trojan. The emails look like this: Dear Member, Thank You for Joining Resume Hunters. Account Number: 99484233616 Temp Login ID: user2726 Temorary Password: ty408 Please keep your account secure by logging in and changing your login info. Follow this link, or paste it in your browser: [Link to malicious website removed] Thank You, Technical Services Resume Hunters The links in these messages lead to a malicious website that will install a trojan. Thankfully, most of us who use the internet for business are aware not to open suspicious emails, but many of our family members and friends may not.
Comments (11)
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Basic rule of thumb, don't respond to any of these unless it's a group you've actually applied for

Oct 25, 2007 Like it
Stupid Girlfriend

Thanks Karen for the post I am still getting those other emails have not stopped yet hope so soon.

Thanks Reta

Oct 25, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Bob, I deleted and blocked them, but if I get more, or find one I missed, I'll send you the url.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Bob Laibach

Hi Karen,

Can you give me a copy of the link? I will have them investigated by some friend of mine. My friends are not so nice to these types of people.

Additional FYI: Avoid anything to do with John Beck Real Estate he is a scammer. He has an infomercial on TV but there are numerous complaints about that business. The BBB is giving them an"F" rating with is a bad thing for that business. Avoid it at all cost

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Patricia Knapps

Gift shop owner

I got one like this today but was wary of it and deleted it.
Thanks for mentioning it for everybody.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hi Karen,

The one I see most commonly is the one where someone has sent you an ecard or a version of the nigerian scam.

The most important thing is not to reply AT ALL!! Do not have your email set on instant reply, this confirms its a real email!

Quite often when you get these types of Fraud online you can be specific and check it out in the Search Engines. You can do this with most fraudulent Phone numbers too as they use them more than once.

Do not ever think just because there is a phon

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Mauro & Sylvia Savo

Thank you for posting this Karen, I have been receiving many of these as well.

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

Thanks Karen.

I get at least 30-40 of these a day and some have different
subject headings and the content of the e-mail is usually
the same.

The thing that got me suspicious was the url has numbers
which means that the site is probably not fully propergated
on the internet.

Here are a few subject headings to avoid:

User Services

Login Verification

User Services

Internal Verification

New User Letter



Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Thank you for your diligence Karen

Yes I received both of the above, but dele without opening....

Love to see this kind of Information on Apsense.

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Shelia McCrary

Shelia McCrary

I can't remember if I have received anything like this or not but I'll definitely be on the look out for them. Thanks so much for passing this information on.


Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Sheri Stuart

Thanks for letting us know. This one is particularly vicious to those of us who are actively job hunting on the web. Now I know to delet it postehaste without even opening it.

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
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