Looking For Feedback--what do you think of the changes here at ApSense?

Posted by Dana k
Jul 8, 2007
Just thought I'd try to gather some viewpoints on the recent changes to ApSense. I greatly appreciate all the improvements from support, but it's going to take me minute to master them. I'm kinda slow :) I think it took 2 days before I found the messages link. :P. There are SO many new things to explore..... but that's what makes it fun, isn't it! What do YOU like best?....or NOT like? ~dana k
Comments (46)
Butch Hughes

Kincheloe Cam

thank you i will take a Look

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Douglas Wolfe

Web Designer & Developer

Good morning all,
Worx4u there is a ten most recent new members list. Go to the business center tab, scroll to the bottom of the page then click the all blogs link. when that page comes up there is a list of the ten most recent new members. I just saw this and thought I would let y'all know.
Douglas Wolfe

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Sup All,

LOL ... No seriously! You guys are funny! Hope everybody is having a great night, I know I am....smiles.......

Peace & God Bless,

Michael Brockefellerâ„¢ 1

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Dana no problem,

Sometimes these thing just dont click into place.
I am willing to bet you were not the only one that it didnt click with, and quite a few will be going duh why didnt i see that.
At least you asked. So top marks from me for doing so.


Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Dana k

Me neither--Mr Joe--shame on me, too :) We'll get it!

LOL bj--I'm back in my chair now--you can take the tape off ;)

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Joe Verneer

Hi Dana !
Very cool ,your do a Great Job and live channels & all that is awesome ..but I havn't put it to work yet ..lol shame on me
it's awesome so far , I think of anything I know where to go .
Best wishes

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

hi Dana

me -> :-x ( tape over mouth )


Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Sup All,

Yeah, BJ, that sounds like a good way to do it. And yet (admittedly) I'm lazy and so is my PC's memory (if you know what I mean?...LOL), even though I have just under a gig of RAM. But I will try it that way and see how it works for me.

Best Wishes,

Michael Brock

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Dana k

Duh me!! Thanx BJ *crawling under the table*

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Earl Dunbar

Great cell phone bargin save$$$$$

New look is fine with me. Earl

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Dana,

ABC Apsense Business Center


Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Dana k

I'm glad some of you who know way more than I do are stepping in here to help. I think there are alot more questions out there that I surely am not equipped to answer. That's what I love about Apsense.....so many people eager to help.

Thanx Wincer, Categorizing by business certainly makes more sense. And alleviates other issues, too, I'm sure. The additions to the Business Center are great. I'm not sure what ABC is though.

Thanx again, to everyone for comments, suggestions, and answ

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Hi All,

I just woke up (I'm like a vampire, I work at night and sleep during the day) and this is the first thing I'm doing today. So please forgive any misspelled words, etc., as it takes a little while for my mind and fingers to start working together properly? (.....smiles....) Anyway, I just wanted to put my 2-cents worth in here also.

Yeah, I liked the browse user feature too and miss it just like you guys. And I used it very much the same way and for the same purposes as mentioned h

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Tom Show

Hello, I'm trying to catch up. Puter was down for repair from Friday 7/6 thru Thursday 7/12. Storm decide to "eat" my hard drive.

Back up trying to wade thorugh all that has happened here. Now using an external hard drive backup system.

I got my Business Center up today and am a little confused with all the "tab" changes, but I'll be back in operation soon enough!


Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

I am sure that as fast as people find exploits to give them an unfair advantage management will also find them and close them off.


Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Douglas Wolfe

Web Designer & Developer

Thank you Wincer,
Now that I look I see the links go to the users. I still have not tried every page or link yet on the new and improved APsense. I agree that users with a business center are more likely to be helpful and appropriate contacts for other business members.
I really like the new links across the top below the tabs instead of in the right sidebar for navigation.
So any more info on the upcoming Live Channels available yet?
Douglas Wolfe

Jul 9, 2007 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder


We have moved Browse Users to Business Center categoriezed by business industry.

Because Apesnse is one business social network, we think our member who has business center will be more helpful to your business.

Message Box link has been moved up to the page header.

Any suggestion, welcome!


Jul 8, 2007 Like it
Dana k

Are you in the right group Cat? lol read my last post in the OTHER one :)

Humility is a great asset--you stand tall in my book

Jul 8, 2007 Like it

I was so proud of myself for figuring out a simple exploit to keep my name #1 on the list

Jul 8, 2007 Like it
Dana k

I've tried to reply 5 times now--let's see if this one goes through..

I used the new user browser that way, too, DW.

And the watchlist is useful. It was just easier the other way......i'm lazy :)
Seems like there is alot less activity now for some reason.


Jul 8, 2007 Like it
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