How Big is Yours ?
I noticed a particular template used by the ABC's is particularly wide for a typical 1064x768 res. It might be a good idea to check different resolutions and choose a template that doesn't degrade the otherwise pleasing aesthetics of the ABC.
Comments (14)
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
See what I mean about Max's humor? I love it.
By the way Eric, would you do me a huge favor and check my ABC for how it appears in a 1064x768 res. screen?
I have a wide screen, though it looks as though it'd be OK.
Thank you.
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Provocative Subject Line... Me... Naaaa... Never... ;o)
James Max
Blog Network Community
I plead guilty to all the charges!
The post was serious, but the Subject line was (is) somewhat provocative, lol! -
This topic was heading down hill like a roller coaster with 2 drops. So I figured I could take it off life-support with a little MAXfunny humor.
It's just a game we play called "Top it, Drop It Or Pop It"
Life is a journey - enjoy the ride!
The GoodNews team
Anf if this is deleted, there will be 7 years of bad luck. OK
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Hi Thea,
There was a reply after yours that said something like "Good Joke" but its since been deleted. Actually it shows up under unrelated comments, but i'm not sure if i only have access to that link (since i started the topic) or if its visible to everyone. If no one else can see "Read Unrelated Comments (1)" directly above the "Add you comment" box below then i guess everyone can check it out ;o)
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Hi Eric, yes I realized that you were being serious, it was Max's humor to which I was referring.
Sorry if my original message (way down below) confused a few people, including yourself. :)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Glad to be of help :) Lynn
Beth Schmillen
hi lynn...
it's right there in the same block that my pic is in only at the bottom!
odd location if you ask me! I was looking for a separate list of the five!
ok, mystery solved!
Beth Schmillen
Hi Lynn
no, i haven't re edited it for that recently... I truly do not see them when I am there... let me go look again!
ask Bj... he can tell you that the obvious is overlooked by me very easily!LOL
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
I went ad looked at your business center and the words "Business Industry" are there. Did you check them again after editing. I am always updating mine, so I noticed that each time I edit my business center my business industries vanished and I had to go and check them again. I hope this works for you. Lynn
Beth Schmillen
Hi Eric...
I have a regular sized monitor NOT BIG
But... I chose the wide screen BIG FORATTED APSense website because the more I saw it the more I liked it!
It was 'scary' to click change style... I wasn't sure if all would still be there! it worked just fine.
that BIG WIDE style webpage doesn't have one feature that the other templates do... when you select your 5 categories: like Health, marketing etc... they aren't there or included...
Maybe I should mention this to APSenese
Eric Smith
Online Professional
actually i was being serious.... :o)
Koli Bandyopadhyay
Free Training on promoting your business using our
Good Joke
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Nice one Max. There's that humor again! :)
He ought to be an honorary Aussie, the sense of humor's right.
Eric, I have a wide screen for my computer. Hopefully my ABC's looking OK on a smaller screen. Thank you for pointing it out.
I have topped this topic to help rectify the drops you received from 'whoever'.
James Max
Blog Network Community
Hey Eric,
I thought you were talking about Labor Day Hot Dogs!
But very helpful observation, anyway. I have seen that also where you have to scroll.
And how do you get a drop it? I thought that was off the menu,lol!
The Goodnews team