Many Opinions On Rating Our ABC's

Posted by Lynn I.
Sep 5, 2007
I have been sitting back and watching as many members have posted, what they believe to be the correct way to rate our business centers here at apsense. And most if not all have some good guidelines. But, the important thing to remember is that these are just individual guidelines not apsense guidelines. If apsense didn't want you to use your own method and judgement, they would of rated the business centers themselves. Some choose to use audio and some don't, that shouldn't hurt a members vote. Some choose to list a few products, while others have posted several pages. As long as they are well presented and explained, that is what is important. I have even read a couple posts that suggest that part of their rating includes if you have testimonials or not. Well that may be easy for those of us who have been around awhile. But, for some members just starting out here at apsense and just submitting the business center to the exchange, this point in unrealistic. Some have mentioned that they give extra points for members who have started groups here in our apsense community. Some members may not do this for quite sometime, they may want to get a feel for the site, before starting a group. Their business center score should not be penalized because they haven't started a group yet. There are areas that none of these members chose to cover. For instance what about members who keep their business centers updated with current and new information and products and services. You can look at the dates to see when was the last time a member added something new. Also there is creativity and I don't just mean bells and whistles when I mention being creative. There are many members that work the same programs as others. That is great, but when it comes to our business centers we should try to present our center in an original light. It is important to remember that you only get one vote per business center. But you can change your vote over time. Maybe someone has improved there business center, so you raise their score. Or maybe you see the same business center a month down the road and they have added nothing new or updated, then you might lower their score. The point is that you must use your own system and judgement in the scoring of our business centers, not what others have suggested you do. Some might consider this post as a suggestion also, but there is no point structure and I have just tried to stress where you may not want to be hard on those just starting out. And that we need to look at and score our business centers as viewers not members. Our community is here to encourage each other. Thank you for reading this, Lynn This was originally posted as a blog, but we have decided to post this in the apsense group as well, so it can reach more members. As Kristian Huges added "Cause users should vote as a visitor or prospect of the business center"
Comments (13)
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Yes, you do have the option of publishing them to the exchange. And yes, you may take them out of the exchange while you are updating them. We are talking about members who are just starting out. There is no need to be harsh with them. We are not talking about members who add one link to the site and just leave it that way. It is a personal judgement call on the sparse sites I guess. If I keep seeing the same partially done site again and again, it takes just a moment to look that membe

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Lynn,

Isn't that why we can turn ABC's "off". So we can finish them before they are voted on ?

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Of course we would hope that most members would try to implement most of the features on their business centers and they all do add to the overall affect. Its just that some of them shouldn't be rated on. If they have them great and you want to give them a higher score that is up to you. We are just saying that business centers should not be penalized if they don't use every feature and they should not be penalized for being new and just finding there way around apsense and learning abou

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I understand the thoughts behind that, but as an internet marketer, its in my best interest to do everything i can to GET the customer to the site in the first place.

Theres a greater chance a prospect will stay on the site (and as a result qualify themselves as a customer), if the site is complete.

Linking also builds a reputation.

Testimonials, don't "create" sales but they do give a sense of loyalty.

Seeing empty boxes on the page tends to look "wishy washy" and incomplete. How ma

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Hi Jenny,
I have been waiting for you to repost. As I mentioned all members who have voiced their opinions on how it should be done, had some great guidelines for some parts. But as Kristian and I are saying (and also Rusty put very well) we should be looking at our business centers as a visitor or a prospective buyer. And some features just do not come into play doing it that way...As a buyer I will not be leaving a link for example, also it would not matter to me how many groups you might h

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Lynn

The subject of rating the Business Centres is definately a tricky one as there are no clear guidelines from Apsense Administraion - so we all go our own sweet way.

I still maintain that voting without accountability is not a good way to go and would prefer to see the centres with testimonals and without ratings at all.
However as we are stuck with them for now, i wanted to reply to your topic.

Your comment

"I have been sitting back and watching as many members have posted, what th

Sep 7, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I just wanted to drop a quick thank you for all the new responses. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to this post. Lynn

Sep 6, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

For me it's not about the scores or the points. It doesn't mean anything or it means whatever we make it mean.

The only important criteria is the quality of relationships that are created out of putting time and energy into a social site like this. For me that is the true measure of success and win-win.

Like all of our "stuff, material possessions" won't mean anything at the end of our life. Only the relationships that we remember and the people around us that will make a difference. Le

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Magic Mark

Rusty you are so right I can assure you that has stopped a lot of potential sites going up from newbies and some others.
In fact there are certain 'entities' that have comments all the time about every darn thing and and do not come from a point of encouragement!
Apsense is supposed to be about 'empowerment' gentle leadership, otherwise why even waste your valuable time?
Life gives us plenty of places to be 'howled down' at - not here thanks!

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Of course it would come down o the individual reason the vote was given. For me I look for completeness (I have a melancholy / choleric personality) since everything has its own place.

Others may vote high because of the cute baby in the Profile picture. While others vote high because they know the person who created it. The ABC may not look like a 10 but you know the creator is and rate "them" not the ABC.

On the other hand there are those amongst us who would vote an individual person lo

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Thank you both. Rusty you said it great....look at it as if you just googled something and someones business center showed up. Then you are looking at the presentation, information and whatever else might catch your eye. That was said very nicely. Lynn

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Ok Lynn. You're right, we must have the ability to analize correctly, and we have the freedom to decide to rate or not to rate. But good value should be top rated. Also we should accept newbies and they should be ready to learn.

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

An excellent post, Lynn. I agree wholeheartedly that we should not be too harsh in our judgment of others websites. Especially for the new members who have yet to learn what APSense is all about. Look at their business center as though you had just come from googling for a product and you're a customer---not by what you know of setting up a website.

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
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