New Blog Categories Added
In response to the many requests over the last 2 or 3 months we now have 11 new categories that you may now place your blog in.
This means we have increased the number of categories from 12 to 23.
Edited 10-23 We now have a separate category for arts & crafts . so that makes 24
Comments (15)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Click on the business blogs tab at the top of the page. There you will find 24 categories to place your blogs. Take care, Lynn
Hi Lynn
O.K. there are Blogs to classify:Business, Personal,Arts,...
/where i can see all Categories?/
But do you make a difference between Blogs with comments
/that form looks more like Forum/ and Blog Reviews/that inclodes
comments too.
Thank you
Keel W.
IT researcher
yeah,it's better have more categories to be choosen.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Just a quick thank you for the latest responses. And yes Penny, some people have been very busy :) Lynn
Shrihari Sawant
Good that moe subject have been added so that more views on different subject can be shared and discuss on this site. Great improvement.
Penny Young
Someone HAS been busy!! Thanks for yet another excellent improvement.
Donald Devereux
Thanks for changes lynn
Ed Dono
Pastor/Dean of Students
Apsense is obviously trying to improve daily! That is the sign of a good management team. The desire to change to stay in touch with the market. Change is good! If it ain't broke make it better!
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
June and Teodor,
Thank you for your comments. We take the community as a whole into consideration when making these decisions. Lynn
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
I like it! Now more people will stay here. I know some that left because they couldn't find themselves or their niche. Good job Apsense developers!
June Mac
Thanks Lynn
June :)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
I couldn't agree more. It is great to have one area that all members can post their suggestions in. That way when management has free time they can read through the thread and consider all suggestions.
And yes I agree, there is a difference :) Lynn
Eric Smith
Online Professional
This is great News Lynn...
Now that we have the "Official" ideas thread, i can see a lot of positive "changes" to APsense.
I was going to say "improvements", but as a wise man once said... If it aint broke... don't fix it... but change is a good thing (There is a difference).
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
We like to make sure of changes before we post updates. Less headaches that way :) I am glad you are finding new homes for your blogs. Lynn
Jennifer Underwood
Noticed that this morning...been trying to change all my blogs.....that is work in itself! But well worth it! Thanks again Apsense!