How to find answers to your questions about APSense.

Posted by Bj aka Bill Brown
Sep 19, 2007
To the new, as also the not so new, members APSense can be a little confusing. To help members find answers to their questions quickly this is a short guide to How and where to look. At the bottom of each page there are 5 sections, which contain links to various sub sections. The section titled APSense has the sub headings, About APSense, How it works, Behind APSense, FAQ and Contact Us, Privacy and Terms of Service. Although all the links are important the most important in my opinion are the FAQ and the How It Works sections as these answer most of the questions that members may have. The How it works gives you an overview of what you need to know in order to make the most of APSense and make it work for you. The FAQ is split into the following categories About Apsense Account & Membership Questions Apsense Business Center Questions Apsense Express Questions General Questions Group Questions My Social Network & Bulletin Questions The "World of Apsense" Questions Each of these sections are split into a list of questions that should cover most of the questions that could arise. There is also a search facility, which can save you drilling down through the various levels to get your answer. As an axample if you have a question about Honor points then type in honor points in the seach box and click on search. If you want to know how to create a group, type in create a group and click on search. As in most cases you will not know which section an answer will fall under you do not need to select a section. The search will then check all sections to try and find an answer As in the create a group example it will return one result. If you typed in just the word Group then it will return a list of possible answers that contain the word group in the titles. Should this method fail to give you an answer or the answer is not clear enough Then you can post your question here in the APSense Group. Tips when posting questions. Make the title of your post relevant to your question. Example title I have a question about honor points. The reason for this is that there is another search facility that can get you answers as well. That is the search at the top of each page. If you type in your key word and select subjects then click on the magnifying glass the system will search all post titles and list those containing the keyword you entered. This may or may not produce results depending on how people have titled their posts. There are a number of members that have produced some good informative posts in their groups and blogs on how to set things up in APSense and using the above search facility will help you find them. You can search by selecting Blogs, Groups, or Titles. Another Question I get is how do I find a member. Even if you can not remember the full user id as long as you know at least 3 consecutive letters from their user id or name. The chances of finding them are very significant. Again using the top search facility type in at least 3 consecutive letters that are in their name or user Id then select members and click on the magnifying glass. The results will show all members who’s name or id contains the combination of letters you typed in. Naturally the more letters you can remember the less results and the faster you will find the member you are looking for. Examples If you enter Jan you will get results containing Jan such as Jan, Jane Janet, Janelle, Janette, Janice, etc Now lets say I was not sure of the spelling of Janette (1 T or 2) but that’s who I am looking for I could type in Janet. The search will still give me Janet and Janette but the list would be much smaller that I would need to check and so I can quickly find the person I am looking for.
Comments (12)
Karlitus karlitus


Hello, Good post.
I'm new here and it's interesting for me reading this kind of information.
I'll come here soon!

Sep 22, 2007 Like it
P V Anver Sha

Thanks BJ, Really help alot. Need to go over to get good at it.
I am sure you have come across the Movie, The Secret, Law of attraction.
After getting to know the Affliate Program, it really make sense.

here is the link:

once again Thank you.


Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi GOT Team,

When I joined within an hour I knew where everything was.
Since then the site has developed and grow so much that I am sure some members get lost.

Hopefully this will help them get started.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
GOT Team

Well done BJ, i'm sure there's going to be a lot of thankful APSense members with your info.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Juren,

If you have been through the FAQ you are off to a good start.
Dont try to figure it all out at once just take it step by step and it will become clear.

There are plenty of us that can assist you and help clarify things if you need it.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Hatice,

I was probably in the same place you were.
Trying to figure it all out lol

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Margie,

Thank you for your support.
I know what it was like when I first started at APSense and it has grown so much since then. So I understand it can be a bit confusing for some when they first join.

This should help some in clearing the confusion.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Chuck,

This is what Social Networking is about .
Helping those that need help.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Juren Batucan

I am a new member but I already read on the FAQ section.
But im not sure enough about knowledge of apsense.
Well, Thank you for your informative post.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it

Excellent! Where was this when I was first trying to sign up!! I drove Apsense crazy with all my question. Thanks !

Hatice/Summit Row

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Margaret Elmendorf

As usual, Bj, you are right on the money. Tons of good advice. Thanks a bunch.

Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Fantastic Tutorial.
A fine example of the true essence of Web 2.0 and realtionship marketing....

Provide something of value and the world will yours

Sep 19, 2007 Like it
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