The Reasons to DROP - Conclusions

Posted by Teodor M.
Sep 21, 2007
Being in business for over 20 years, I like to help groups with my humble knowledge on marketing. What I usually do is to post an article to more than one group with that specific topic, in order to contribute with content to my joined groups. Is it ok with Apsense rules posting the same content on more groups? I’m not sure but if you belong to more than one group, why do not share your content that might help people from all those groups? Can someone clear this aspect? Thanks. Back to my issue, I see a phenomenon when I post a new subject in a specific group I’ve joined. People from one group rate it as TOP few times, while in another group the same article was dropped once. Why this happens? Few reasons to meditate and see if someone find him/herself there: - Freedom of expression, used or understood in bad way - The competition doesn’t like you, not the content - The content requires higher level of knowledge in that domain, so the visitor gets angry… - You just play with the buttons and don’t care about author’s effort… - The topic is different from group’s topic (this could be an objective reason). I couldn’t find more that one objective reason to drop someone’s good work even if it’s competing with my work… If you do, please let me know! All the above-mentioned reasons are subjective, so why to drop? I just can't imagine what kind of brain these people have? If I don't like something (for example I don’t like so many ads published in wrong places), I just leave that page but don't drop. When I see my so-called “competition” publishing good articles I TOP them not drop! What nasty people don’t understand is that social networking is not based on “traditional” competition but on valuing community and people, help each other growing, friendly attitude, positive criticism and so on. I’d like our community growing and keeping here all those who understand and know the value of this great business oriented social networking community named Apsense. Saying this, believe me, I will TOP all your good content and even will help other to write good quality content. For good quality copywriting I will recommend you to hire a paid consultant or coach, but for quality content you can count on me, and if you are a sociable Apsenser I wont charge you for that. What would you like to see? Toppers or Droppers? Waiting to find out your frank and honest opinion. Thanks.
Comments (83)
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Thank you Jenny, and thanks to Apsense staff! It's a good release.
I'm busy now with my blogging action!
To life, family & business!

Oct 20, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Congratulations to you Teodor for your help to the rest of us in setting up this topic.

The Drop it is now being Dropped!!

it is great to know that we are listened to here!!


Oct 20, 2007 Like it
David Schupbach

Mteodor, I agree. I cannot find one reason to drop that agrees with a positive business attitude.

Oct 20, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

I never really thought that "topping" or "dropping" had anything to do with judging other subscribers work. I always thought that if you liked the subject and wanted to see more on it, then you "topped" it. If you weren't interested in it, then you "dropped" it. I never "dropped" any subject as I felt that, just because I wasn't interested, someone else might be. If I wasn't interested in the subject, I didn't top it, but I didn't drop it either, I just left it alone. People have different

Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


I love to TOP TOP TOP!
Thank you Coach T for the WONDERFUL ARTICLE....I TOP IT!!!!!

Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Accountability! That's the word! Thanks Jenny.
But really, I'm tired of this dropping topping topic...

Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Teodore

With all the Groiup Subjects and Blogs on the topping and dropping - the conclusion i have come to is that I am not alone at all in my total dislike of a dropping facility without accountability.

I DONT THINK THE DROP IT FACILITY HAS ANY VALUE AT ALL(with or without accountability) It is simply an opportunity for someone to sit in judgement on someone else's work .

The only pèople who I can see have any right to juddge our work are our customers - as they are able to do on EB

Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Thanks Jeunelle. We learn all our life... Right now I'm learning a lot from my grandkids! I also hope that TOP and DROP issue will be fixed somehow.
All the best to all,

Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hello Jenny,

Regarding "- When you drop it would moral to come with a justifiable pattern." this was a suggestion from a member. It would be great to be able to justify your action, by writing why you did that, what you see wrong there, but right now technically speaking it's not possible for people who have no courage to show up. What I suggest is to write a short comment and say: "Hey, I am John or Bill and I don't like your post (or I don't agree with you) because of..."

As I said bef

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor

The person concerned could always post that you have written an article about ""xyz" that they think members of their group should see and then make a link to the article.

I had a member ask me about this and that was the arrangement we came to. They recommended the article and linked to it.

Now We keep going on about duplicate content. This is not a major disaster if you post the same article on one or two other sites but I would definatly never do more than that. My

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Teodore

I would agree with most of your conclusions - especially that you have noted many of our dislikes of dropping and "punishing" fellow members.

Just a question

"- When you drop it would moral to come with a justifiable pattern."

What does this Mean PLEASE ???


Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hi Bill,
I agree with you that fast money is an illusion.
A bout duplicate content. I was asked by a group member to post on of my blog article at that group. It is related to group's topic. What should I do? To say yes, or to refuse posting it? I'm really confused about it.

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Cambodia,

I would rather have earnings that build steadily and last for years than make a lot in a few days then have to start looking all over again for a new income source.

There is no Fast anywhere on any site despite the BS you read on them all.

Earnings here in APSense are a by product and a bonus that we get while building relationships with other members and building trust between our selves and other members.

To earn post quality articles worth reading in your

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Cambodia Fund

How can I do to earn money fast on Apsense?

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Mala,

Go to set up business center.
then to resoueces.
Yuo will see a list of all the links.
Click on the Red X of the ones you want deleted.

Sep 25, 2007 Like it

could you please explain to me how to delete links from my "add links"
in my business center?
I have been trying to to delete links that do not work but there is no instructions on how to do that.


Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Brief Conclusion on TOPPING and DROPPING issue
As I have promised, here is a brief conclusion on what was said during TOP and DROP discussion. The order is aleatoric.
- At the main Apsense group we have to refer strictly to the subject.
- When the new guidelines are posted, everything should be as possible as clearer to everyone.
- All members have the ability to create 5 groups of their own to post what ever they want in them.
- We should treat each group as we do another personâ€

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

It is fascinating Karen, and I'm glad that this debate, as any other was taken seriously into consideration by the Apsense team. I know we will end with some helpful conclusions for all members of APsense.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hello Coach Steve,

In my opinion it is related to the subject, and even the first one it was, but as I said is just my opinion. Again, interpretation has a role here, as it has in the decission of toping or dropping.

I think this was already clarified - at the main Apsense group me have to refer strictly to the subject and is not so easy to do it. We, as human beings, love to make divagations ;-) Smile, please!

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

Well, making a decision is actually killing off all other options and possibilities. Corporate America is real good at it.

Making a powerful choice however is considering all options and possibilities and then making a powerful choice that is in alignment of our goals, values and purpose.

To Your Success,

Well, maybe this comment won't get removed, I guess we'll see!

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
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