Date Joined

Posted by Eric Smith
Aug 2, 2007
To get an idea of where a Member is at with their Business Centre, would it be possible to have a "Date Joined" section in the members profile ? This would also help in rating business centres. A member who joined yesterday would not have had the chance to do the same to their business centre as one who joined a month ago.
Comments (23)
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

No worries. That written "you" gets misunderstood alot. It is a habit that I am trying to break :)
Thanks for understanding, Lynn

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

G`day Lynn,
gee ya posted quick then or i`m slow ... lol ... I thought that may of been what you meant, just didn`t come across that way looking at it ... it`s all good. Thanx for relaying that message to support ... `nuff said about that ... lol.


Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

G`day Wes,
thanks for looking into it but it`s not an easy one to work out, here`s a suggestion for you though.

Instead of putting a limit, is it possible to make whoever post`s an "out of average range score" to give a reason why it`s such a big difference. This will work both ways then, if someone votes a Biz Centre with an average of 7 or 8 and gives a real low score, they have to give a reason for that vote to be valid.

Same works the other way, if a low score Biz Centr

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I was just stating that a member has to publish his site to the exchange. When they do that is their choice. Some will want to use all the tools that apsense offers..others will only want to use it as a billboard for their ad. And ratings will reflect both these choices.
In regards to the advertisement you mentioned, we have already relayed a message to support. Lynn

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

errrrm, Lynn .... I have mine published already .... lol ... you think I should "unpublish" it?? ... lol.

I`m of the same opinion Jenny, scores going down to far to quick and c`mon, don`t think for a minute every single person here has morals ... lol ... doesn`t really worry me but if Biz Centres that are obvious 4 or 5`s start suddenly having scores of 7 or 8, be time to start makin` some noise about it then. I`ll keep updating mine every couple days, testing tweaking and tr

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Thank you for coming in. Another point that I wanted to make is that members are just starting to vote. Sure a member can vote low and bring your score down, but as more and more votes are made...a handful of members won't be deciding your score. The automatic five vote was removed, that hurt those of us who published early and we are still recovering from those votes. Apsense is listening and doing all they can to satisfy everyones concerns. Lynn

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Wesley H.

Computer Tech

If we have a few members that are bad apples and vote low this can cause lower scores over all.

I will see if i can get the programmers to set a limit but no guarantees.

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi there

Well I am pretty hopeless at maths - but even ican see that something strange is going on . there are some very good sites that crashed down in the rankings after on one or two extra votes - so they must have been given 1s - that doesnt make sense at all - unless the system is being abused.

Regrettably there doesnt seem to be any accountability for voting practices. - but knowing these good people - I am sure that they are not far away!!

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

You do have the option of showing your abc on the exchange or not. It is the second option on the setup page...Publish to
Business Exchange yes or no. Lynn

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

This is what I just everyone does just have one vote. Lynn
Hello Lynn,

I have noticed the same and tried a few times voting on a few that i know i
did vote on already and once you vote it is in the system you voted, if you
vote again on a members site and its a higher rating it will update the old
vote and take the new vote as your only vote for them, this will allow you
to review them more than 1 time in case they update or you decided it

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt

is there an option to see who votes what score for your own Biz Centre? I ask this because it seems like some very low scores are being thrown in which naturally drops the score. I worked this out by doing simple maths, me Biz Centre isn`t that bad ... lol.

Maybe a good option would be to only have the option to publish your Biz Centre after the landing page and the product page has been worked a little. I`m with Jenny in that I`d rather not score at all than give low score bec

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I have asked support for clarification on the voting system. My score changes without my vote number changing. Which leads me to believe that you can vote more than once..yet it still counts as the same vote...example someone gives someone an 8, then that person makes their site the next time the person sees it, they give them a 9...score changes, but the number of votes doesn't. Which is a great. Because it means that members can get their overall score better over time. I will post

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Eric,

If it is not too big a programming issue - i would say that every little helps.

Having said that - I don't like the idea of giving us a rating tool without any criteria checks or accountability for our votes. AND it seems you can vote multiple times for peoples sites - which, although one would like to think that we are all good natured - is open to abuse in these competitive times, by some of our more unscrupulous members! lol

I would like to take this opportunity to remind people

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

I like the suggestion about the date the member joined. But since we're all new seems a little early to be giving anyone exceptionally low scores. Some are still learning how to use UBBcode or html ... and I just went back and found out that the ABC had new features. I could add links to the changing pictures/images. Which I did...but they didn't work. I also had to redo my products page.

I had a score that gradually went from about a 6 on up to 7.7 ~ and now... it's dropped to a

Aug 4, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

Thanks, Lynn. That is helpful. I agree about the date, though. Everyone usually looks at your profile---I know I do when I'm looking at other's sites, and it seems to me to be the logical place to have the date that you joined.

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I agree that would be nice. I was just letting Rusty know that there was a way to find out when a member joined. Lynn

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Doing the search is good, but being able to see it upfront on a members profile would be useful.

Especially where time is an issue.

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

If you do a search for the members name. It shows the date they started. Lynn

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

It's also a good idea for your downlines as well. I have 6 in my downline and I'm not sure when they came aboard. It sure would be nice to know. I was thinking about that the other day. Most programs have the date that you joined somewhere on the website and I was surprised that APSense didn't have it.

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
Dominique G.


I think that would be an excellent idea...I always like seeing/knowing how long someone has been apart of a program.

Aug 3, 2007 Like it
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