How To Post Links/URL's in your Articles or Subjects Correctly

Posted by Mick R.
Sep 22, 2007
Hi Friends, I know there has been posts about this before but i still see new members that do not have live links for the Promotions or Advertising. and i also know there is a lot of information here at apsense to look over when you first become a member. This is frustrating for me sometimes as i do see some great topics at apsense but then the link is no good so i can not check there offerings. I have posted in other folks articles way back and did what i could to help but now I'm still seeing a lot of new folks with the same problems. So here is an explanation on how to put your links in your posts. For your siggy Max 100 Characters This is the code all you need to do is use this below, And put your site in, and if you make it long you will get a pop-up saying to long [ u rl= YOUR SITE] this site is so cool you will like it.... [/ url] (No space's at the start or at the end) Also when you start a subject at apsense use this for you links ... [u rl ] yoooooooooulllink [/ url] (Again no spaces at start or end) Now i hope you can now get more visitors to your Business and if you would like more help just ask as there is lots of very helpful members here at apsense that are willing to help you. Hope i have not forgotten about anything and hope it helps you. good luck zzand
Comments (30)
Szilard Jancso

Ok finally i figured out what was the problem. Being a noob to html (but improving) i made some mistakes and i hope who ever reads this and learns from it. So my first mistake i didn't clicked on the html tab you have to or it will never work. Secondly you need the
thing, i just randomly put the link in after the material. The best thing to do if your a beginner is to post the link with the

Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

That's right Mary. In some places you cannot place live links.
Read my entry below 'Thea - 09/22/07 12:12', very, very slowly and I have answers to your questions there. :)

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Mary Leedy

Thanks for the tips on how to post links easily, I'm slightly confused but I guess I'll just have to practice, lol. Even though people do use UBB codes, how come it says (To avoid Ads, UBBCODE is NOT allowed in comments) at the very bottom just under the box the to post in? What point or rule am I missing?

I usually don't post links because I figure people can go back to my profile and look there so it won't be viewed as "spamming the board" type thing.


The MB Candle &

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

When you are about to post a subject in a group, directly under the text box for your content you'll see this...(You can use UBB codes for links, bold, italics, and more).
The words "UBB codes" are highlighted in blue and you can click on it to see easy instructions for UBB codes.

When you are publishing a blog, you can see two tabs under the text box.
One titled "design" and the other "html".
It is in the html area that you can create your links.

In responding to blogs or subjects in grou

Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur

Hi Reislet,

I have links in my blogs and here is the code i use


there could be another variation of this code that i have not tried but
the code above should be ok also. Give it try and hope its ok for you.


Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur

Hi Lateef,

Yes this will work ([url=yoursite] cool..........[/url])
for your text links. Hope your find this helpful and good luck.


Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur

Hi Friends,

I Use my profile for my signature links as that is why there is the option in your profile settings. Not in your posts.


Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

The information in this post is technically correct in how to use the UBB codes

However members should be using the signature file option in their profile which is automatically added to each post the member makes. and not posting them in the body of the post.

Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Szilard Jancso

Using links in blogs is disabled? because i tried these two and a couple more combinations but it didn't work.

Sep 22, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Thank you for this, ZZand. I posted a question on this same issue (how to use the UBB codes) some time ago, but up till now, no response has come my way. I had to engage in several try and error methods to help myself out somehow. I have been making my web addresses clickable by using the second option you gave([url][/url]. However, I have been wondering how to make text links clickable such that the url identity is masked. Does the first option ([url=yoursite]..............

Sep 22, 2007 Like it
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