Turn It Off Temporarily
Every time I get a message from APSense group, and I'm playing a game, it turns my game off. How can I turn off APSense Express temporarily, at least while I'm playing my games. The games in the evening are my relaxation after working hard all day. I need them for my sanity. *Grin
Comments (2)
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Yep, short and sweet...Eric said it all! :) lol
I could add....
To open up Apsense Express when you are ready, just go to Start, Programs and Click on Apsense Express.
I right clicked mine and chose the 'Pin To Start Menu' option.
That way you have it right there, with a logo, the moment you click Start and then Programs.
Hope that bit of info has helped yourself and someone else also.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy those games.
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Right click on the APsense Icon in your task bar and click Exit