I am Curious to Know.
How many new members are inactive? I know when I signed up, I set up my biz center, then left. Then I got a notice that I had made $.91 then I came back and put mor effort into. No I am not here just for the money, I like it here.
I was just curious if there is a large number of people whom do nothing or am I promoting to the sour apples?
I have sent How to articles etc.. to help them get started but they really are not doing anything. I am just wandering if it is the same across the board?
Comments (19)
Sherri-Anne Myers
Ladystrange Lingerie
Well who would have thought this thread would have gotten this much attention? I am not complaining by any means. I just wanted to know if eveyones members were inactive or just mine, lol. I realize that this happens with many programs.
Philip Gondek
Well I joined 05-21-07 and I come in here everyday during the week and maybe once in awhile on the weekends. When I do come in here I click on a few postings and try to guess the names with the pic's. so I would
probably fall into your inactive list. I'm even thinking of getting out? I just can't get a handle on any of this.
You all have a great and profitable weekend!
Mick R.
Webmaster & Entrepreneur
There is always inactive members.
Once i was promoting a program and i had over
270 inactive members those people are just not willing to work...LoL
Nannette Caina
I am operating my own store wherein I'm affiliated to sell various Consumer Electronics, Telecommunications, Security and even Household/Beauty products. I'd really like to concentrate in boosting my sales here especially this coming Holiday season. I hope with APSense we not only sign up to be members of various businesses offered here but also support/buy and use each owns products as well...being an end customer. I hope you get what I mean.
But of course Sherie we do not own the minds o
Shrihari Sawant
I think alsmost all the members here have experienced what you have experienced.
But for your information I am just 5 days old and till date I have log into my account daily. I am giving just one hour to this program but gradually want to increase my time allotment to this site once I complete my assignment in my hand.
By the way this is very good site.
Jennifer Underwood
I posted earlier today. The thing about me.
I run a business...the 'extra' income I receive is GREAT from Apsense...but my time is spent ........well 'running' my business.
I did not sign up with Apsense to have to run...........two businesses..........
Apsense promised me a great way to market and get my biz going
(which btw the have)
Things are getting very complicated and so much time is started to be invested in trying to figure things out.
I don't have time to do it. I have
Ari Gustian Abdi
Logo And Tees Designer
Yeah, I've just realized that we could do something better in here. if you really want to you can do a great earning here. But stil that question. How about inactive peoples??
Mary Leedy
Yep, I'm one of those people too, I'm not on as much as I'd like to be but by the time I do get on here I'm plumb beat from other responsibilities that don't exactly make me feel bright-eyed and bushy tailed. :-)
Plus, after being here for a few months, I just found out how to get honor points, because while I enjoy posting comments and giving my 2 cents, they don't add up to points. So maybe other people who seem inactive are just engaging themselves in discussions/posts like I am, rathe
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Apsense does send out their newsletter often. The reason for the individual emails were to let each member know what amount the ad network credits had been converted to and added to their balance.
I work very closely with my direct downline and extended downline. I find that if members can't reach you or if you are not available to answer their questions, you will lose their interest. As far as just general contacts I have noticed many coming back to apsense. I see the future of apsense only be
Sherri-Anne Myers
Ladystrange Lingerie
Thanks Karen. I wanted to make sure I wasn't scraping the bottom of the internet bucket with my promotions. Who knows maybe next month they will get an email, also and come back and be active.
Karen Weir
Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I am one of those inactive members on other sites. There is only so much time in a day. I joined several social networks, but this is the one I like the best.
My thoughts are that the inactive people are not necessarily inactive because they are not serious, but they don't realize what a great community this is. I think its cool that an email from Apsense brought you back, and maybe that is something Apsense Developers might want to consider doing more of?
In answer to your question
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
APSense, like any other business entity that recruits will have only a percentage that put effort into it. Thousands will sign and become "members" A percentage will actually become "Users". The difference is a "member" signs up then sits around waiting for something to come of being on APSense. A "user" will put the effort into making APSense work for them by joining and participating in groups, posting and commenting on discussions , writing blogs and activating/updating their business cen
Gabriel C.
I have the same problem on another site. Some people sign up and do nothing. But I have some who are very active and get lots of people in my network and work hard. Those are the people who make you money.
But yes some will not be very energetic. If you want results and to make lots of money, you have to put in the effort.
Sherri-Anne Myers
Ladystrange Lingerie
Well I Guess, I am asking, Is this the standard? Lynn you have a large network. I am asking what is a rough percentage of active versus inactive people. I wondering if I need to change the way I promote or what what my expectations should be as far as advertising. ( I am working on a business plan).
Thanks By the way Lynn I love your business center well done.
Noemi Puskas
Mechanical Engineer
I guess I'm one of the people who do nothing... except reading the messages.
I'm focusing on my main projects too much maybe...
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
When you signed up back in August you were given 1000 network ad credits. When we started paying on the 12 of September. We no longer were using the credits for the ad network, so apsense converted them 1000=$1.00. So that is what you returned to find, minus the views to your business center. I also noticed that you have 8 in your network. It will take time to build your network and start seeing results. I always tell people I was earning from apsense before they started paying. Now that they ar
Jennifer Underwood
Oh! I am averaging about 5-10 cents a week, and I am not working it as hard here as I need and should be.
Jennifer Underwood
Well, there are a lot of people that are really active in here, and then those that are not. You will get that any where. The longer you stay here, the more you will see who is real about what they do and those whom are not. Just keep on....don't give up!