New Service - Augine Cyber Real Estate has gone live!

Posted by Wincer Song
Mar 14, 2011
Hello, everyone! New service added to APSense, it is called Augine Cyber Real Estate. This is an awesome new service that will fill the void left my MyBloLog." In case you did not know, Yahoo has abandoned its service MyBloLog. For the millions of MyBloLog users this has left, or will leave a big empty void. " Augine Cyber Real Estate will do what MyBloLog did and so much more. It is many things. It is a real estate game. Own the most land, and win. You can become the Donald Trump of Cyber Space. It is can be used like Twitter. Post news on your land and everyone will read it. Use it to advertise, get more readers, sell products, or just to play the game." In Augine Cyber Real Estate rather than bidding on a keyword you get to bid on a land. Here is how it works." There will be a continent that you may add your site to. Your site will now be a land. By the way, there are only 47 lands left in our first Continent, first come first served. " Once you add a land you will be given AG$50.00 (that is AG$50.00 of Augine Dollars), use this money to buy or rent land. The more land you own, the more places you can post your "News" to. " You can read more about how it works by visiting the site But you better hurry, those 47 lands will be filled almost instantly. Click here to open Augine Real Estate
Comments (34)
Radek Vyskovsky

Social Media

@Wincer, I know. I post it here, because I am interested in. We can talk here about this service and how to improve it... Or is better to start new topic at other place?

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

@Radek, this system is very new, we still have lots of work to make run perfectly.
Please give us more time to complete it.

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

It's cool - advertising with fun. Best of the best :)

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Radek Vyskovsky

Social Media

@Wincer, Thanks for fast response.

2 more questions:

How to delete site from the service? (When I click "Edit land", there is no option to delete it directly. I don't want to "sell" something that is not exist)

How to unsubscribe? (When I go to "View My Subscription", choose one and click "Unsubscribe It", nothing happen)

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

@Radek, we will open more continents later. If you find there is no right continent for your site, please be patient for new continent opening. Traffic flow means visits to the widget on member's site.

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Radek Vyskovsky

Social Media

Now I see is not fair for new members in this service with the limitation to only "..for social media type sites. If you have a membership site.."

And I have a question about Weekly Report (Traffic Flow & Price):

It shows visits to the site where the widget is or it shows visits directly to this widget?

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Gilberto Cintron

Viral, Local, Social & Mobile Marketing Expert

Your welcome. There is a new continent about to open. You should be receiving an email tonight, or tomorrow. The new continent is for Social Media sites.

That is all I will say about it for now. Just keep your eyes open for the email, or don't be alert and miss out then you can WHINE about it later.

Mar 17, 2011 Like it

I tried that service but stopped using it when it asked to copy the widget code on to the website, But now I am regretting what i did, But everything has a new start and definitely this time I am not going to leave this opportunity.
Thanks for this Wonderful service once again

Mar 17, 2011 Like it
Radek Vyskovsky

Social Media

@Bill I got email today from APSense and there is inside:... The next phase we will open new continent for you. Every new continent has requirement for adding website.....
So the chance is for everyone. It doesn't matter if first or other land. Also I see - Weekly Report (Traffic Flow & Price) in the service. Now people can see for what they are bidding.

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

If you were not in the first 74 you were well and truly screwed. It also seems to me that certain people were told about this being live before the rest of us.

As there were only 74 positions available what's so fantastic about it selling out in 1 day - when you take into account so few positions available plus the heads up that some were given they were bound to go fast.

As for keeping our eyes open we can NOT be expected to be doing nothing, meaning no eating, sleeping, crapping, nor a

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
Gilberto Cintron

Viral, Local, Social & Mobile Marketing Expert

Keep you eyes open, new target niches will be launched soon. By targeted we mean there will be Continents for just about every niche you can think of. Some of the ones to be launched within the next day or two include:
A Game Continent
A Cyber Marketing
A Photography Continent
A Travel Continent

These are just a few. Have you fingers ready, the fun is about to get, well funner :)

Will you be the "Donal Trump" of the Augine Real Estate?

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
Justin J.

Intelligent marketing concept!

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
Marvin Whitehead Jr....

Internet Marketer

Wincer I love the new service I just got to get the hang of it.I will start using more and more each day,thanks for all you do for all APSense members..

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
Sherry Emma Simpson

Smart Entrepreneur

Thats awesome you have come up with a great idea such as this. I wasn't aware of this site MyBloLog. Indeed it would be a great estate to own virtually.

Mar 16, 2011 Like it
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