Previewing Posts before submission

Posted by Eric Smith
Aug 18, 2007
I wrote this earlier today but i think i may have accidentally deleted it ;o) A button to preview a post before submitting it would be handy. This could be included in the Blogs, Subjects & Replies section/s It would save a lot of hassle when it comes to editing or copy/pasting a reply after submitting it. Cheers,
Comments (12)
Keel W.

IT researcher

yes,i agree,especially when we input some html code in blog and post.a preview button would help us less mistake done before publishing.

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

What a great idea! Thanks, Eric.

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

For replies the "Edit" option has often been abused at forums by users editing their posts after others have replied thereby making the string Meaningless... A "preview" option however lets us see what the reply will look like before hitting submit...

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Penny Young


I agree completely. Especially for comments. I seem to always hit post and then see all them grammer and speling misstakes.

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

An edit option would be great. I alway spell check but the spell check will not pick up those words with multiple spellings. The words to, too and two get me all the time.

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Lyndell (Jerry) Mill...

Here, Here - I lift a toast to all of your suggestions and agree totally. This seems to be a cornerstone of other community posting forums and I am amazed at the lack of such an obvious and essential elements here at Apsense. But on the other hand, it is such a "turn-off" when I read posts on other sites that are so grammatically $#@*^% that they are practically unreadable. And these are sites have have preview, spell check and other options! I don't believe that very many folks expect everyone

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I think being able to edit is also important. Alot of sites have a time limit on being able to edit such as an hour or less from the time of the original post. That would be very handy for all errors made in the comments. That way you don't have to delete it, and then repost it. It would then not show up more than once on the apsense express. Lynn

Aug 20, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Eric

Another great idea from you!! The spell check helps a little, but a preview option would be even better. It is something I use on other forums - and it stops you sending out howlers by mistake! lol

I am quite happy that we cannot edit our responses. It is something I have seen abused on several forums to delete information - particularly when scams are involved. I like it the way it is.


Aug 19, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

I agree totally with Eric. Apsense is too good to omit that useful facility.

Aug 19, 2007 Like it
Sandra T.

Sales Management Consultant

And also to save a draft would be great option

Aug 19, 2007 Like it
Blanka S.


Indeed, sometimes you click post and get a strange message about a mistake somewhere in the link or whatever and the text is gone. A preview option definitely is a good idea. Blanka

Aug 19, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

This is a solid idea. I too feel this would be an asset. At least we have the option of editing an initial post. But, we have no way of editing comments. I have discussed this before. But with your post and future responses, maybe enough noise will bring results :) Lynn

Aug 18, 2007 Like it
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