If you are planning to build a website and planning to get your website the best Hosting Service then you must make few decisions which are important to decide the Hosting And Hosting Service. Below mentioned are the types of Hosting.

Shared Hosting: -Shared Hosting As the name suggest the server is shared with many people. You will not be able to avail all the facilities like you cannot make many changes in your Hosting as the main server is not owned by you. Though they are affordable but yo can be at risk of security.

Dedicated Hosting: - Dedicated Hosting is the individually owned Hosting in which you own the server completely. You can make desired changes according to you without any difficulty. You can go for this only if your website gets good amount of traffic. In this Hosting as you own the server completely you are not at risk of security but it may cost you more.

Reseller Hosting: -If you are purchasing Reseller Hosting then you can start your business with this by reselling the hosting to others at your own fixed price. You can be your own boss and you don't have to work for any one you can work on your terms.

Important Factors to be considered:
Your Requirement: - First of all identify requirement of your website in terms of Hosting Solutions then search for that particular Hosting Which suits your requirement. if you are unable to do so you can take help from the Hosting Providers also.

Site Builder: -In this you have two options if your website is build is by some company then they will let you the requirement of Hosting. On the other hand there are many Hosting Service providers provides you an option where you can build your website in simple steps so it becomes easy for you to choose the hosting plan.
Control Panel :- When you are looking for Hosting Ask the Hosting Provider whether you have to pay for the Control panel separetly or it is included in the plan itself.
Backup: -Ask them how often they create backup for your data if in case you lost it will they be able to restore it?

Customer Service: -Do they provide you 24/7 Customer support?  Buy Web Hosting From the company which provides 24/7 Customer Service.

Above-Mentioned are the types of hosting and also the facts that you must keep in mind when you are looking for best Hosting Company for your Website. For more details, feel free to visit us@ www.HostingRaja.in

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