Traditional Chinese medicine differs from western medicine in the sense that is views health from another perspective. To put it in other words, Chinese medicine considers the body as a whole and this is the reason why it does not focus on treating only the organ. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is a Yin organ. The theory of yin and yang is one of the basic foundations of the Chinese culture and it is used to analyze the world that they live in. Within the area of medicine, the yin and yang theory explains the organic structure, as well as the physiological changes that occur in the human body. More precisely, physical forms are associated with yin, while the activities and functions are associated with yang.

Nonetheless, the physical forms and the functions are complementary. Within this system of interrelations, the kidneys are placed right in the heart because they are responsible for the storage of the primordial yin and yang. According to the Chinese perspective, the kidneys carries out several functions and that is the reason why it is considered the one of the most important systems. Storing and controlling the essence (jing) is the essential function performed by the kidney. This so-called essence of the qi actually supports all the functional activities of the body systems. While people are born with jing, they also get this form of energy form food and specific activities. The reason why jing is so important is that it plays a vital part in the development of the mental and physical health. Any imbalance in the jing can lead to serious illnesses such as infertility and physical or mental development infringements. Medicine such as Liuwei Dihuang Wan increases the production of kidney yin so that the body will not suffer any imbalance. In addition, in the traditional Chinese medicine there is the belief that there is a close connection between the kidneys and the lungs. Thus, the kidney also has an effect on the water metabolism because it moisturizes the lungs and increases their activity.

People should be concerned when they experience imbalances in the kidney yin and yang. Classic symptoms of kidney yin deficiency include aching in the lumbar areas and in the knees, as well as dry mouth accompanied by a hot sensation in the chest or palms. On the other hand, kidney yang deficiencies suppose symptoms such as cold limbs, sensation of fatigue, frequent urination and an inclination towards colds. Although the effects of traditional Chinese medicine are recognized worldwide, it is advisable to take medicine such as Yunnan Baiyao plaster or any other according to the doctor’s prescriptions. Only a TCM practitioner knows how to focus on tonifying both the yin and yang and warming the body. In conclusion, there are steps that you yourself can take to aid kidney deficiency such as warm foods and avoid things such as coffee, sugar and alcohol. Most importantly, you should be moderate in all that you do so as not to disturb your kidney function.

To learn more about Yunnan Baiyao plaster and Liuwei Dihuang Wan, please visit these links!

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