Amidst an incredible amount of online reviews, Fitness Website MovementFirst has published its own Six Pack Shortcuts review, which it claims "finally doesn't suck". This statement is made to support the movement for greater quality content online.

MovementFirst makes this statement to oppose the awful over-abundance of low-quality review sites, which seemingly publish 'propaganda' in order to make affiliate sales.

Jacob, Founder at MovementFirst says "We know reviews are absolutely vital to the buying process. That's why we believe reviews should be genuine and thorough. Otherwise more people will be taken advantage of by buying into the Six Pack Shortcuts unprofessional programming which may be damaging from a health point of view."

It appears to MovementFirst that there is a seemingly endless supply of overly positive reviews for many products. Jacob believes this is due to the fact that authors can earn up to $100 dollars for every sale they generate. This has the drawback of lowering the integrity of online reviews.

Jacob goes on to say "If a product is genuinely excellent, then a website should absolutely give credit where credit is due... but if the opposite is true, then the site should not make a point of ignoring those issues for fear of losing affiliate sales.. Otherwise, it just dishonest."

In their online review of Six Pack Shortcuts, MovementFirst makes a point of highlighting the positives. For example, There is an app which users may find attractive. Also, It's a clear program complete with videos, nutrition advice and plans.

However, it doesn't betray its integrity and avoids bias by highlighting the flaws of the Six Pack Shortcuts program too. Such as; It's taking a long route to a very short-sited goal and uses outdated, unprofessional methods that are slowing the progress of its audience without any real scientific evidence to the claims. Another criticism; It may create long-term damage to the spine and it's built on common principles taken from what novice bodybuilders often do rather than more up to date principles such as hormonal balancing and natural human movement.

Overall, MovementFirst ends up rating Six Pack Shortcuts as very poor from a professional point of view.. It also wants to emphasize that the conclusion was arrived at fairly, unbiased and with the consumer in mind.

MovementFirst's complete and unbiased review of Six Pack Shortcuts (that doesn't suck) can be found at

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