Every man (hopefully) knows that using barrier protection is one good way to help maintain a healthy male organ. In addition to being a big aid in terms of birth control, barrier protection is also helpful in safeguarding male organ health by reducing the risk of contracting social diseases. Unfortunately, barrier protections have some drawbacks – and that is why some scientists are investigating the possibility of spray-on barrier protection.


Any man who has used barrier protection knows that there are some drawbacks associated with it.  First and foremost is probably the time that it can take to apply one.

Suppose a man has found himself, happily but unexpectedly, with a delectable woman in his embrace. Things move quickly as passion builds up. The couple agrees to take things to the ultimate level sensually and both are primed to go. Unfortunately, the man must locate his barrier protection, pull it out from the drawer in which it resides, find a way to tear open the package without tearing open the barrier, unroll it enough for application and fit it across his tumescent member – and all the time that he is engaging in this behavior, he must keep the steamy mood intact. In the heat of the moment, the relatively short amount of time it takes to apply a barrier protection can seem like an eternity.

But there are other drawbacks, of course. Getting a barrier protection with a proper fit – not too tight, not too loose – is important, but can be a challenge. After trial and error, a man finds what fits, but trial and error is not what one wants with barrier protection.

In addition, some men have latex allergies which require them to use non-latex kinds. These are available but not as easy to find.

The spray-on version 

For these and other reasons, scientists are investigating the viability of a barrier protection that can be sprayed on the manhood.

The theory goes: A form of latex could be created to go in an aerosol-type can. When a man needs barrier protection, he simply reaches for the can, sprays it on his firm member and creates a latex sheath that enables him to engage in protected sensual activity without unwrapping and unrolling a traditional barrier.


One of the benefits is very clear: A spray-on barrier protection would be custom fit to the manhood at hand. There would be nothing too loose or too tight, and therefore no worries about it slipping off or constricting blood flow.

Scientists also theorize that this would increase the effectiveness of barrier protection use; most issues with barrier protection effectiveness are related to the manner in which they are used, rather than to problems with the barriers themselves.


But spray-on barrier protections might have issues of their own. Of greatest concern is the drying time. Can one be created that will dry speedily? Waiting several minutes for this to happen defeats the purpose of it.

There are also questions about how long such a barrier protection would last; can they develop one that is sure to last through a lengthy sensual encounter? Also of concern: How easy will it be for a man to know, at the height of his excitement, that he has covered his entire package without leaving any spots unprotected?

The spray-on barrier protection is still many years in the future, so these questions are sure to be addressed. In the meantime, ensuring a healthy male organ means not only using a typical, traditional barrier protection for social disease prevention but also regularly applying a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to attend to everyday manhood health concerns. For example, many men sport a manhood that carries a persistent unwanted odor. A crème with vitamin A, which has strong anti-bacterial properties, can help to fight this problem. It also helps to use a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that offsets harmful oxidative processes in manhood cell metabolism which can give a member an aging, wrinkled look. Keep it healthy, keep it happy.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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