Diabetes is a health condition characterized by the inability to produce adequate amounts of insulin, or the body’s inability to properly use insulin. This hormone controls blood glucose levels; when those levels are elevated, a host of health problems result. Men with diabetes may be particularly concerned about how the condition may affect their male organ health and intimate lives, and for good reason. There are a number of manhood problems that diabetics are particularly susceptible to; knowing what they are and how they are treated can help men with diabetes get a better handle on their health.

Performance Dysfunction

Results of research vary in terms of how many men with diabetes suffer from bedroom performance dysfunction, but the range is 20% to 75%. Generally, men with diabetes are considered to be two to three times more likely to experience this problem than non-diabetic men, and at a younger age, too. In fact, experiencing performance problems younger than the age of 45 is considered an early warning sign of diabetes.

Diabetes can cause performance difficulties in a couple ways. First, chronically high glucose levels can cause nerve damage. Since tumescence occurs partly due to nerve signaling, men with diabetes may not be able to achieve stiffness. Second, diabetes can affect the way blood flows through the body. Impeded circulation in the male organ can prevent tumescence, since, along with healthy nerve supply, the male organ requires a rush of blood into its chambers in order to harden.

Treating performance dysfunction caused by either or both of those issues may involve medications, male organ pumps, urethral suppositories and/or injections. Perhaps most important is managing the underlying condition. Most diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes, a diet-related disease that can be largely prevented and possibly even treated by eating well and exercising regularly. Men should also eliminate bad habits that exacerbate nerve and circulatory issues, such as smoking and heavy drinking.

Yeast Infections

An excess of glucose in the blood creates a ripe environment for the overgrowth of Candida yeast. Men with diabetes are prone to recurrent yeast infections, marked by a red male organ rash and burning and/or itching of the urethra. Antifungal creams help rid infections, but only managing the underlying condition will keep them away for good.

Retrograde Emission

The expulsion of seed through the urethra is conducted partly by sphincter muscles. In people with diabetes, nerve damage may cause the sphincter muscles to function abnormally; when this occurs, seed goes into the bladder rather than out the tip of the male organ. This is called retrograde emission. In the bladder, seed mixes with urine and is expelled when a man urinates.

The primary sign of retrograde emission that a man will notice is a reduction in the amount of seed when he discharges. A medical professional can also test for seed in a urine sample to confirm the condition. While generally harmless, retrograde emission poses an obstacle for couples who are trying to get pregnant. There are medications that strengthen the sphincter muscles that control normal emission; also, a doctor can obtain seed from a man’s urine and use it to impregnate a woman.

Daily Help

Men with diabetes need all the help they can get to maintain male organ health as they work to manage their underlying health condition. Daily use of a male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) packed with nutrients that support circulation, nerve function and healthy skin condition may prove beneficial. Key ingredients to seek out in a cream are vitamins C, A and E, Shea butter, alpha lipoic acid and L-arginine. While such a product will certainly not cure diabetes, or even reverse nerve or circulatory damage, it can supplement a man’s other efforts to maintain manhood health.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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