A man’s prowess in the bedroom is not just a matter of sensual pleasure; it is an important part of his identity and his self-esteem. When his level of performance falters, a man can become frustrated and discouraged, and this can take a serious toll on his emotional wellbeing, not to mention his quality of life. As such, it is not surprising that vast numbers of men turn to the countless performance enhancement products and procedures that are available – whether medications, devices or even surgery. While some may really need a little outside help when it comes to having better intimate relations, the truth is that fading sensual performance is often the result of lifestyle habits that interfere with the ability to function well in the bedroom. By addressing these through healthier habits and adequate male organ care, men may find that they do not need to rely on outside measures – many of which come with damaging side effects – to recover their ability to perform.

Lifestyle issues that can damage male performance

1) Drinking. Men from all walks of life often enjoy a drink or two – or more – at the end of a long day, and alcoholic beverages are a typical part of any social scene. While there is no harm in enjoying a beer, a glass of wine or a mixed drink on occasion, alcohol and sensuality do not always mix well. Alcohol is a downer, meaning that it slows down the body’s responses in multiple ways. Because of this, the proverbial “whiskey dick” isn’t just a funny saying; the physiological effects of alcohol often include inability to achieve tumescence or to maintain it long enough to reach emission.

2) Smoking. A smoking habit can be difficult to overcome, but men who are struggling with the urge to light up should consider that smoking tobacco is one of the single most damaging habits when it comes to male health. Aside from its effects on the heart and lungs, smoking can impair nerve function and make the veins and capillaries in the male organ brittle. As a result, the male tissue becomes less responsive, and it even has a tendency to shrink, resulting in a shorter, thinner male organ.

3) Stress. On-the-job pressure, worries about how to pay the kids’ college tuition, family troubles and all of the general anxieties and worries of everyday life can take a toll on a man’s drive, not to mention his ability to perform well. Stress produces a hormone known as cortisol, which diminishes levels of androgen in the body, leading to decreased desire and impaired sensual function.

4) Excess body weight. Being overweight places another kind of stress on a man’s body, impairing his heart function, stamina and even his androgen levels. Men who maintain a healthy body weight are more likely to feel energized and confident, and their libido tends to be higher than that of overweight men.

5) Poor diet. A diet that is high in salt, fat, processed sugars and unpronounceable ingredients is linked to heart disease, obesity, poor mental health and a host of physiological problems that can affect a man’s ability in the bedroom. Maintaining a healthy diet is a crucial step toward improving sensual health.

What to do

It can be difficult for men to make significant changes in their lifestyle, especially when it comes to quitting smoking, losing weight and eliminating stress. All of these are necessary for better health and better performance, but it is okay to start small. Cutting back on the butts, setting a limit of one or two drinks and working a walk or jog into the daily routine are all doable if men take it one step at a time. Doing any or all of these may bring about noticeable results in a short space of time, and this can motivate men to take on even bigger changes aimed at improving their overall health.

Aside from these significant lifestyle changes, men can take other proactive steps toward better health. For instance, a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is fortified with targeted nutrients can support healthy nerve and circulatory function in the male tissue, as well as improving the look and feel of the male organ. A quality product can help a man feel better about his appearance and improve the sensations he is able to experience – both important issues when it comes to enhancing his performance. 

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites. 

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