When it comes to sensual activity, going from a soft to a hard male organ is relatively easy for most men; the equipment is right out there in plain sight and the mechanics behind it are not terribly complex. Assuming that the owner of the equipment has taken steps to ensure optimal male organ health, pleasure is usually just a few strokes away. But sensual satisfaction can sometimes be a bit more complicated for the female partner; all men have heard of the mysterious sweet spot, which seems to hold the key to providing ultimate pleasure. Unfortunately, sometimes men have a difficult time accessing this treasure chest of delight.

The sweet spot

The sweet spot is the nickname for the Gräfenberg spot, named after the gynecologist who initially reported on it. The sweet spot is generally considered a part of the female organ, although there is some disagreement in the scientific-medical community as to whether the sweet spot actually exists and, if it does, exactly what it is.

However, those who accept the sweet spot as a distinct area of female sensual anatomy locate it between one and three inches inside the female organ, to the side of the urethra and the bladder and on the top of the female organ wall.

While some have reported that the sweet spot is a small bump or raised area of tissue, others have found there is no noticeable surface difference in the area defined as the sweet spot, although there may be differences in the neural connections in the area.

Advance Play

A woman is more likely to achieve sweet spot-derived releases when an appropriate amount of advance play is involved. Couples should experiment with various forms of advance play to determine the best manner in which the woman's sweet spot can be stimulated. For example, it is usually best to remember that advance play is not limited to (and often should not begin with) manual or oral stimulation of the sensual organ. For many women, a good deal of hugging, kissing and caressing is as important as using one’s finger just outside the female organ.

Once the advance play has moved to the sensual organ, the man should allow the partner to guide him as he experiments with different strokes and rhythms. Many women enjoy the sensation of gentle rubbing of her organ opening. Eventually, the man may insert a finger into the opening. Once inside, he should gently crook the finger back and forth; if the woman is on her back, the sweet spot is going to be located on the top of the female organ wall, so this crooking motion should touch the area and provide stimulation.

As stated before, the man should let his partner guide him to determine if he is being too rough, too gentle, too fast, too slow, etc.


Because of its location, stimulation of the sweet spot during intimate play can be difficult. The missionary position, which is typically used by many couples, doesn't allow the male organ to touch the sweet spot in the most direct manner. There is usually more success in accessing the sweet spot when utilizing the missionary position if the woman's hips are propped up by pillows or other supports.

In general, sweet spot access is more easily achieved when the woman is on top or in "doggy" style position.

The Goal

The sweet spot has become something of a Holy Grail in coupling. It's important to remember that a woman can have a perfectly happy romantic life without every achieving a sweet spot release. Fixating on this rather than enjoying sensual activity as a way to bond with another person can be damaging.

Whether searching for the sweet spot or not, a man needs to make sure his hard male organ is also a healthy one; using a nourishing male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may assist in keeping one's member in good health. The best creams are those that contain manhood-supportive ingredients such as L-arginine, which may boost the nitric oxide that keeps member blood vessels open and flowing. Another essential ingredient is acetyl L-carnitine, the neuroprotective properties of which may restore lost sensitivity to an organ that has been handled too roughly.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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