Men often get alarmed when things seem a little off downstairs, and for good reason. Male organ health is an essential component of overall physical well-being and quality of life. A number of problems can afflict the organ over the years, from minor surface irritations that heal up on their own to male organ infections that require treatment. It’s important for men to know the signs of serious problems so that they may seek out treatment early, limiting damage to their favorite organ. The following five symptoms may indicate partner-transmitted infections:

1) Itching within the urethra

2) Burning upon urination

3) Abnormal discharge from the urethra

4) Soft, flat bumps on and around the male organ

5) One or more hard, round sores on the organ

If a man has any of the above symptoms, he should seek out diagnosis and treatment from a medical professional. The sections below explain which types of partner-transmitted male organ infections cause these symptoms.

Itching, Burning and Discharge

The first three symptoms – itching within the urethra, burning upon urination and abnormal discharge – indicate three types of partner-transmitted infections as potential sources. Two of them are bacterial: one is caused by the trachomatis bacteria, while the other is caused by the Neisseria bacteria. The third type of infection that can cause these symptoms is a parasite. This infection is only symptomatic in about 30% of infected individuals.

Treatment of these three male organ infections requires antibiotic medication. Men are susceptible to these diseases if they engage in unprotected playtime with infected partners. Transmission is less likely, but still possible, even when men practice safety measures when engaging with infected individuals.

Bumps on the Member

Soft, flat bumps on and around the male organ may indicate warts. These are caused by a form of the human papilloma virus (HPV). Bumps often form in clusters, and they may itch.

Warts spread easily through skin-to-skin contact. In some cases, a man’s body is capable of fighting off the virus that causes warts; when this happens, the warts go away without treatment. There are several treatment methods for warts, including:

- Surgery (cutting them off)

- Electrocauterization (burning them off)

- Cryotherapy (freezing them off)

- Medicated Creams

Not all bumps on the male organ are caused by HPV. Men should seek out professional diagnosis to determine whether or not this virus is the source.

Sores on the Member

One or more hard, round sores on the male organ may indicate a serious transmitted infection that requires treatment as soon as possible. Caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum, this infection can, if left untreated, result in devastating consequences including dementia, blindness, paralysis, deafness and even death.

However, men need not panic if they catch the infection in the early stage, at which point it is treatable. Men who have been infected for less than one year can usually take care of it with a single dose of penicillin. Alternative antibiotics are available for men who are allergic to penicillin.

Due to the seriousness of this infection, it’s imperative for men to seek out diagnosis whenever a sore or sore-like mark is detected on the male organ.

Taking care of the male organ requires safe playtime practices to reduce or eliminate a man’s risk of the above infections. In addition to safe practices – and, of course, proper hygiene – men can keep their members happy and healthy by using a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that provides hydration, cell repair and optimal blood flow. Look for a crème that contains vitamins E, C and D along with nutrients like acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid for a well-rounded boost in overall male organ health. 

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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