Global Domains International, is a reputable company. They launched in 2000 in response to the great “.com craze” of the late 90′s. They took the internet by storm, earning 37th place in Inc. 500′s fastest growing private companies. For a general idea of what their company has done and what they advocate, check out GDI in the news here. They are not just some fly-by-night scam, but a successful corporation that have sold quality products to thousands of people. They own sole rights to the entire “.WS” domain registry. The good news about this, is they still have a wide variety of domain names still available that may have been taken under .com, .net, and .org extensions.

Not only is GDI a reputable company that has proven themselves as long-lived and legitimate, they are also International, an affordable service, debt free, and have never missed a monthly payout to any member. While many people trying to sell GDI to you will only focus on the income opportunity, they are MUCH more than that. Even if all you are looking for is your own website, GDI has what you are looking for.

gdi income calculator
Click to see how much you can make!
This two fold opportunity is what makes GDI not a scam. While many skeptics and MLM-haters may claim the income opportunity is simply a pyramid or ponzi scheme and therefore illegal, they forget to acknowledge that you are not paying for the money game, but the service Global Domains International Inc. provides. They provide a full service hosting service with a convenient, user-friendly site builder, and a host of free email accounts (up to 10) you can setup through their servers. When you consider everything you get for just $10 a month, it really is a good deal. Especially the potential for a profitable future. The best part is, they’ll give you a whole week to try it out for free before you ever pay a dime! You’ll get a chance to test drive GDI and see for yourself everything there is to gain.

If you think you’re ready and wish to sign up and try out GDI for FREE for 7 days.
Income for life 

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