The U.S. Government shut down last week, and Empower will
be shutting down tomorrow, Tuesday October 8 at 10 AM EST.

Let me explain.

Unless you've been living under an Internet rock, you've
heard that Empower will be releasing its revolutionary
new mobile platform (Blog Beast) on October 18th.

The thing is, you only have until Tuesday October 8 at
10 AM EST to be grandfathered into Blog Beast at no extra
charge. After that, the shopping cart will shut down.

Here's what Len Clements, a globally recognized, well-
respected critic of MLM programs had to say about the
Blog Beast:

"I've witnessed the video streamed presentation at their
recent Denver event where their custom "2.0" blogging
platform was unveiled (called ENV2). And it simply rocks.
So much so that had I not already went through the hellish
process of custom building my own video and audio blogging
platform I would seriously consider paying $25 a month for
Empower Network's."

Stop to think about that for a moment. That's coming from
a well-respected, industry CRITIC!

Ask yourself these questions:

- What did Wikipedia do to encyclopedia salesmen?
- What did Amazon do to used book stores?
- What did Craigslist do to newspaper classifieds?
- What did Travelocity do to travel agents?
- What did iTunes do to music stores?

In most cases, those "old-fashioned" businesses were
made obsolete. Just like I believe Blog Beast will make
WordPress obsolete, due to it's speed and simplicity.

Can you imagine how much money Amazon and Craigslist
and Travelocity and iTunes have been able to make by
revolutionizing their industries with technology?

The Blog Beast will revolutionize blogging with its
technology, and this is a rare opportunity for you to
position yourself ahead of massive growth.

But you only have until Tuesday October 8 at 10 AM EST,
when the Empower shopping cart will shut down.

The question you should be asking yourself right now
is not whether you can afford $25, but whether you can
afford not to be a part of this. 

Many of us here in the U.S. have not been affected by
the government shutdown because we've chosen to create
our own economy with Empower's Blog Beast.

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