Well there it sat, in the late 90's . It was a brand new computer thingy, that my husband HAD TO HAVE. It was displayed proudly in our living room like some sort of trophy and it bothered me a lot. I thought it was just stupid to invest such money in something so frivilous and un-needed. 

     I would see it daily, as I walked past it first for one thing then another. I would try to ignore it but my husband left the thing on and it had this dream like design in all hues of the rainbow waving and moving all about the screen. This made me just want to sit right down and watch it to see if anything would happen.

     One day, that computer screen got the best of me and even though I was frightened of it somehow, I was drawn to it as well. Finally I rolled the desk chair out and away from the desk and sat down and just watched the screen. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.
      There it wasn't so bad after all I thought. Nothing jumped out from the screen, and Satan did not manifest OR materilize on the computer screen or in our living room. So I figured I might push a few keys on the keyboard... You know just to see.
And that my friends is how it all started. I started asking my husband questions about the computer and how to research things and soon it was becoming my friend. 

       One evening after everyone had gone to bed, I sat down to look up a recipe and all of a sudden, a big black scary looking spider creature appeared on my computer screen with flashing words that read Virus Alert, Virus Alert. I was quite freaked out and now afraid I had somehow broken my husband's beloved computer. Fortunately, I did not.
        That was all a very long time ago. Now I love computers and I make a decent living sitting in front of a computer everyday, doing something I LOVE, and I LOVE internet marketing. I now make some great cash doing what I do in just a few hours a day and I do it from home. If you too are interested in making some extra cash, contact me for info.
         It's always a great feeling to take something that we fear and make IT work for for us! No pun intended. http://www.sarasgreen.com

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