Social marketing is a good way to gain popularity or gain some sort of ground for branding your product or website. When it comes to marketing on social networks, you need to absolutely stay away from some bad habits and shake off some bad advice in order for you to really get the most out of your efforts. There are generally three big mistakes when actually promoting products on social networks.

Posting Multiple Status Updates At The Same Time

The worst thing that you can do to yourself is submit a bunch of status updates or postings at the same time. Some people get a little ahead of themselves and start to submit a whole bunch of content without even allowing some time to pass by before you submit each status update or post. Submitting a bunch of content at one time can potentially get your account frozen or even banned. 

Adding Friends

When social marketing came on to the seen a couple of years ago, people were told to add a bunch of friends and operate on quantity. You were told to post your product on your status update once you have added thousands of friends. There was a time where this worked with Facebook and Myspace but once they made the minor changes to their platforms, people started getting their accounts banned left and right. 


This is probably the most annoying thing to do to people on a social networking site. The message section of the network is the most sacred part of the platform. Messaging people about a product is not going to suit well with the person you are communicating with and the platform surely isn't going to like that well either. Even if you know the people you are sending the messages to, these people are still going to be a little bothered by your marketing methods. You simply cannot use social platforms that way. 

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