First I would like to say thank you and congratulations for joining!

Before we get started, I want you to know...

Skepticism is healthy and encouraged because there are some dishonest hyip and rev share programs going around the Internet. Fortunately, these are the exception, not the rule. Its important for you to feel 100% confident about using A2Ps targeted advertising service to help you make money online before you sign up today.

1. What we are not ....

Alert2pay is not a hyip, not a mlm, not a doubler and definitely not a cycler. Were a Targeted Email Advertising company thats Paying You Daily Cash Back on ALL Your Advertising Purchases. We sit under the umbrella called AI Corp, (AlertInvest Corporation). is the first website under the AI Corp umbrella. has taken the most responsive advertising online today, to a much higher level. Our Concept Marketing program has eliminated the purchase of impressions or views, offering all members actual guaranteed clicks and REAL eyeballs for every single site ad we offer. The future of TARGETED email marketing is offered here! Everyone is welcomed to Join and Share in this exclusive program.

2. How we operate ...

==> 3% cash back daily for 70 days - $10 purchase will give you 100 mailing credits and 250 banner & text credits for each daily purchase position. compounding is available!

==> 7% cash back daily for 30 days! - $25 purchase will give you 1000 mailing credits and 250 banner & text credits for each daily purchase position. compounding is available!

==> Earn 10% referral commission on 2 levels. 5% on level 1 and another 5% on level 2. Even free members can earn hefty commissions with

==> Our daily mailing limits are 1000 members per day per person, this means that a member can email up to 1000 members per day with their credits - Only 10 solo ads will be sent daily to keep spam and cluttering to a minimum. You can stop emails from coming to your inbox from your back office - Please Note: if you are a free member and want traffic to your site you must click for credits! It is not wise to stop emails from coming.

==> Earning credits. All members will earn 100 credits for clicking emails and 10 credits for banner & text ads clicked on a 10 second view. You are guaranteed to get sign ups and sales with

Note: A2Ps Daily purchase positions work much like JssTriplers except our products are advertising . WE PAY more c-a-s-h DAILY with No restarts - No false starts - No flags - No fumbling the ball and No penalties!

3. A place for free members ...

Free members are welcome to join Alert2Pay and they will most likely need to click for credits, so Alert2Pays advertising will be most responsive for all. Remember free members, you can still earn with us even as a free member, 10% commission on 2 levels.

4. Promotional tools ...

We will be switching on the Friend Invite E-mail system Wednesday ( Aug 8th 2012) that sends system e-mail notifications and friends invites.

Banner ads and email swipes will be added within the next few days.

5. Commission payouts and payment processors. Commission are paid to your payment processor every 24 hours when your balance reach $10. Maximum withdrawal limit is $500 per day.

We will be paying out commission and taking upgrades from the following payment processors.

EgoPay and LibertyReserve - SolidTrustPay coming soon.

If you do not have a EgoPay account you can get one here, you can transfer funds to your egopay account using your Payza account. It is wise to fund your account before the launch!

==> Get EgoPay -

Then transfer funds using Payza.

Once again we want to thank all of our members for securing their prelaunch position and we wish you a very prosperous year with

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