A quick BlogBeast update....

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Here's What Happened Last Night 9.25.13
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Basically, EN revealed the largest, most exciting
and most profitable announcement they've ever made
in the history of Empower Network -
The upcoming launch and game-plan for the
public release of ENV2... or soon to be more
widely know as:
"The Blog Beast"

(you can access that 'game-changer' event
recording once you follow the steps below)

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Here's Why This Is So Huge For You
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This is your opportunity to be first to market
something that WILL absolutely revolutionize
the way people market "online"....
Or on their phone :-)
This is HUGE (much bigger than most people
realize right now).
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Here's My Recommendation To You
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Get in, buy the current blog platform, and
sign up to be an affiliate.
That will do 2 things for you.
Thing #1: You will be grandfathered into the
new platform when it's launched in a couple of
Thing #2: It will put you in position to work
with us, and be part of the largest and most
profitable product launch in history of it's kind.
This is going to be HUGE (and profitable for
YOU if you take action now).
It's time to seriously turn your BeastMode: "ON"
Register Here And Get Started Right Now...

After you secure your spot:
Go Here And Get On The Early Bird List...
Let's ROCK this :-)

View the Launch Calendar...
BeastMode: "ON"

William Clinkscales
EmpowerHive Team
Skype: w.clinkscales

PS: Did you see Yahoo's Press Release?

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