The future is mostly uncertain and consumers are actually scared to some extent.
Too many North Americans are unemployed and don't know where their next dollar will come from. Economists see this coming year as a risk because of the old double dip recession situation we are in.

What hope if any lies ahead for all of us?

Ah but didn't they (whoever they are) say the recession was over in 2009, yes "they" did - but the underlying problem is that the "recovery" is only proceeding at half pace. A detractor from the growth is really based on the unemployment levels. And with all the government bickering and the lowering of interest rates it hasn't helped in the long run either.

So how many of you are all just sitting out there waiting for big brother or corporate America to help you out of this situation? - You will be waiting for a long time, the days of government and companies helping out and working with the employee are all gone, not to return, trust me on this one.

Read the rest of this article here:

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