There should be a strategy to your blogging instead of just blogging to be blogging, there has to be a technique and method. Below are a few of my favorite tips and tricks I use on a daily basis, again, take what you need.


. Keywords: Always be mindful of keywords in your blogs

. RSS Feeds: I use Feedburner, its free and the best on the market, especially since Google bought it.


. Content: You can use other people's blog but its been my experience that Google loves original minty fresh content.


. Make your titles jump out at people and make sure your title lines up with your content. Keep it upbeat because most people don't read, they scan and are easily bored.


. Don't be afraid to use bullet points like I've done here and stay current.


. If you're feeling especially creative, try one of my favorite tips and create a blog and save it for the morning, it saves a ton of time. I just save mine in Notepad.


. Pictures: Use pictures, they're indexed by the Google Spiders too besides, pics liven up your posts, just make sure the pics you place in your blog is related to your title and content.


. Blog Timing: When I first started blogging I would rather stick a fork in my hand than to write, but with time it became second nature. I started off with one a week, then two a week and now I blog at will but keep it down to one a day. I may blog more on weekends because most people are home and are thirsty for something good to read.


. RSS Feed Power: RSS feeds give your blog traveling power, a feed is seen by everybody not just your site visitors. Once your content gets seen through your RSS feeds on other sites that have their own visitors its a wrap and your traffic will pick up.


Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS Feed, when you do, you'll get my content automatically.


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