These days blogging is being done by many to get information out on the Web in relation to products, services, business opportunities, and multiple niches they may be passionate about. So how are they doing it, what does it take to create a blog? How do you make money with your blog once you have created it?

Before you even start to create a blog you have to make a decision on what niche your blog will be about, and the best way to come up with a niche is to perform some research to seek out what people are searching for, what they are purchasing  already. For example your niche could be insurance price quotes.

These days people have options, there are so many auto insurance providers, and people are looking for the best price when it comes to auto insurance. That is just one example. You may want to have a product blog, and say that you are a Amazon affiliate and you want to sell a Amazon product like HD Televisions, the place to do the research to see what people are buying is Best Sellers.

There are other sites that you can do the research on what people are looking to buy, you also can do a search on your favorite search engine like Google for Best Selling Products to get more information on best selling products. Ebay is also a great place to find out what products people are buying.

Maybe your blog will be about a business, or service, and not a product. What ever your niche is you will have to decide on it.  Your next step is  doing keyword research.  You have to find the relevant keyword phrases related to your niche, you want to choose the keywords that your target market will type in a search engine to find your blog.

You will also have to narrow down your choice to low competing keyword phrases, the reason is what ever niche you choose there will be thousands of other people creating blogs and web sites marketing that niche.

Once you know what your niche is and have done your keyword research you ready to create your blog. Some people use free blogging sites when creating their blogs, that is an option but not a wise one.

Think about this when you use a free blog provider you can not fully in control of your blog and the content, at any give moment you can have you blog up and running one day and the next day it could be shut down with no explanation at all. All your hard work can be here today and gone tomorrow. It is better to host your own blog at your own wen hosting account hands down.

When searching for a web hosting account make sure you look for one that has Cpanel with Fantastico, Fantastico is a great tool that can make creating a Word Press blog simple, with Fantastico it only takes filling out a form with your blog title, description,your user name, password,email address and with a few clicks of your mouse your blog is created.

Once your blog is created there is a matter of setting things up within your dash board such as settings, plugins, and choosing your template. Word Press has a default and you may want to choose another template related to your niche, or another one that is more attractive.

Blogging hands down is the way to go when you want to market your niche, there a many techniques that can be executed to set-up your blog for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there are a variety of plugins that you can add to help you get more exposure and  targeted traffic to your blog as well.

If you are looking for a company that provides unlimited hosting with Fantastico and also has unlimited autoresponders for a very low price go to:

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